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3rd POV

Percy was very confused the following day. What Nico had said last rung in his ears. How he never listened and how Nico had said that he had loved Percy. 

The more Percy thought about it, the more his mind turned to picturing Nico. Over the years Percy had payed little attention to Nico, but now his mind kept turning to the younger demigod imagining spending time with Nico and peppering him with little kisses. 

Throwing himself onto his bed Percy thought about his strange thoughts. He had never had thought about a boy like that, and he didn't mind it but it was strange because Nico was his cousin. 

The boy certainly was beautiful. His deep obsidian eyes that shone prowess over pain. His feminine curves juxtaposing his hidden strength. Nico had braved the cold of rejection and loss of almost all his family. To add to that, Percy felt the same pain. They had both lost a lot of people, the same people. 


The Avengers were confused. They had seen a lot over the past few day's and all had made them stumble, but they refused to ask Percy what was up. That Nico boy was shady and they didn't like him, but Percy seemed very comfortable around him. 

How the boy had appeared in the tower spooked them. How had he gotten past the security AND  the Avengers was beyond them. 

Percy was a strange boy. It was obvious Are was full of secrets, and the Avengers were hellbent on figuring out what those secrets were. 


Nico was confused. Why had he after so long slipped up. That made him mad to.

He loved Percy so much it hurt, but he had kept it a secret afraid Percy wouldn't be able to stand him. Now he had to deal with the crushing pain of being rejected by Percy and pushed out of his life. Nico always knew he couldn't be with Percy, but now Nico knew he couldn't be in Percy life at all. 

After it all, Nico just wanted to be in Percy's life. That wish was crushed.


Thalia was confused. She hadn't really talked to either of her cousins in a while after the war and almost everyone died. When she got an IM from Nico she immediately accepted 

She was even more confused when Nico started crying, apologizing profusely, then proceeded to hang up without letting Thalia say anything. 


Sorry for such a short confusing chapter, but it's an update so hey!




                                                                               -ur demigodishness 

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now