The News

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Hey! Here's a new chapter! Hope ya'll enjoy it!


3rd POV

It had been a day sense Percy and Nico had caught up at the dinner and Percy had finally given into liking Nico. Their probably would have not been any romance between them, but Percy had connected with Nico because they shared the same pain.

Walking down to breakfast that morning, Percy decided to IM Nico that night and ask to meet up Nico might refuse, so then Percy would have to track him down, but that was only a small side problem.

He noticed the Avengers giving his sideways looks, but he ignored them.

The Avengers on the other hand wanted to know what was up. It was painfully obvious to them that Percy's life wasn't normal, but they ignored it to the best of their ability. This Nico person also intrigued them, but they couldn't find a single thing on him. Percy was different story. The Avengers found a bunch on him. Blowing up schools, being at the top of the Arch when it exploded but then never seen coming down; except by a little child who claimed that she saw him being caught by a half goat man with winged shoes, and when dropped into the lake came out dry, dropping his class onto a shark tank, setting of a cannon on a field trip, a manhunt, seen at Mount St. Helens when it exploded, seen in Rome climbing out a huge hole that appeared in a parking lot sucking in a bunch of cars. S.H.E.I.L.D. even had a file on him talking about how he had kidnapped his mother and his first step father claimed he was a terrorist.

Pouring cereal Percy sat down by Cap and started munching on the sugary food happily.

"How was yesterday?" Steve asked while eating his own bowl of cereal.

Percy shrugged," Fine, a little... sudden... but I was glad to see my friend. No matter how much we don't really seem to get along."

Natasha butted into the conversation with a raised eyebrow." I though friends tend to get along. It's why they become friends."

It was clear to Percy that she was trying to get information out of him, but he pretended to not notice and decided to instead play her.

"Nah." He pushed some cereal around with his spoon then sighed a little." When you started working under the title: Avengers Initiative I'm going to guess you didn't want to work with the rest of the team Fury had selected." He paused as she nodded her head listening." A friend is a person one has a bond of mutual affection. Someone you respect. You dont have to respect their job or the way you live their life, just respect the fact that they are a person and have their own thoughts, religions, beliefs ect . That has nothing to do whether you get along with a person or not. You can respect each other be friends, and not like someone. Just like you can love someone but not like them." By now all the Avengers were silently listening in." Natasha when you started with the Avengers Initiative you didn't necessarily like working with the team, but you did anyways and you respected what they all brought to the team, right?"

Natasha nodded her head.

"And you trusted them."

"Of cores. I had to though."

"And that's all you needed. Even a forced relationship is still a relationship. You trusted them- even if that trust was forced- and you respected what they each brought to the team. Friends. The side of getting along and liking each other came along latter, did it not?"


"See. Friends."

"What about Nico?" Steve asked.

Percy let out a barking laugh. Quick and brief." Nico really isn't a friendship type of friend. He's more the type of person that if someone fucks with you he will kill them then disappear, pop up halfway around the world via a quick phone call telling you what he did, where he is, and to not contact him. Then two seconds latter he'll be nocking on your door, say lets catch up hang out for the night then disappear for months." Percy paused." A everyone in a while send you random pictures of garbage on the streets."

''Sounds like quiet the friend Natasha commented.''

"Yup, but that's how he is."

And with that the conversation ended, but all the Avengers were thoroughly floored at what Percy gad said about friends and friendship, but it all resonated with them. Their friendship had been fake and forged from the beginning but them flourished into something beautiful and strong. But still delicate.

Percy finished his food then crept back into his bedroom. Heading to the bathroom he regurgitated everything he had eaten that morning into the toilet, painfully, and flushed. Cleaning himself up he brushed his teeth to get the stank out of his mouth and took his medicine. Changing into some actual cloths he grabbed a book (written in Ancient Greek) and headed back to the main room. He sat down and started reading, board and confused by the actual story line.

The live news blared on in front of him as it was always on so the Avengers could some what monitor what was going on around the city.

Something came up that caught Percy's attention and rightfully so. Their live, was Nico standing on a metal bar on a building that was till being constructed while their were police cars and civilians crowded around him all trying to get him to come down. That's when it clicked. Nico was about to commit suicide. 

Jumping to his feet, the book Percy had been holding fell to the ground dejected. Turning to Tony he asked." Het can I head out to the park?"

"Uhh, sure." Tony said, not really paying attention as he fiddled with some new gadget. 

Percy darted to the elevator and the doors were closing just as the Avengers noticed what was on TV. 

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now