Take one

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3rd POV

Nico sat by Percy's bed now. Breathing in and out agonizingly slow. Everyone had left the room leaving just him and his sea prince. Chewing on his lip Nico let out a breath and started talking.

"Hey, so um. You probably can't hear me Perce but I'm uh... supposed to just talk to you for like elongated periods of time." He let out a weak laugh." Stupid right? But um... Grover said I should and I'm getting a little desperate." His breath became more labored." Gods this id so fucking cliché, but I've always felt like a demigod's life is really cliché."

Nico shifted positions so he was now lying beside Percy." Look. A while back I was ready to jump. Be done. You stopped that and so much shit followed that we never really got time to just be around each other. Just as we find a spark the god's manage to take it away.'' He caressed Percy's hair." Look you dipshit. I love you. I have for the longest. Ever sense you saved me and my sister from the Manticore." Licking his lips he continued." A lot of people think about all the promises that were broken in our relationship, and I know you tend to think about how you broke your promises - which you didn't but I know you think that - but I think you tend to forget the promise broke to you. I promised to take them to Ephesus. I failed. I failed you. I ran. Took the Athena Parthenos to Camp instead. ((okay, so I don't actually remember if this happened like this and I tried skimming the book but I couldn't find what actually happened. If this is wrong just pretend...)) Percy I love you so damn much it hurts some time. Now that I finally got you I don't want to loos you. Especially to the pit.''

Tears were running down his face now. The big hot ugly fat ones." Please come back to me Percy. I can't loos you to. I don't know what I'll do if you're gone."

Staying their for a few more minutes Nico just sobbed. He hated Percy for leaving him behind again. For entering his life in a way Nico actually wanted, to just leave. Even if Percy had no control over it.


Hey guys...so yeah... another short one... this book is getting consecutively worse and I'm so sorry about that. I just dont have the same gusto as I did at the beginning, but I really want to finish for all my lovely readers.

Another thing... when I hit summer break (which is happening in like two days) I won't be able to update any more and if I do it will be once in a blue moon. When I start school back up again though, I should have plenty of free time to work on this and my other books. I know weird, but my schedule is weird.

Sorry guys.

Please don't be mad.

Love you all.

-Ur demigodishness

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now