The Graveyard

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(Time skip several weeks)

The next morning Percy woke up well refreshed, and completely ignorent to what the day was going to bring. Walking to the main room he thought over the past few weeks. Percy had slowly grown to like the Avengers, and they all got along well together, but it was still hard because he refused to tell the, his past or anything about his childhood, so of corse they were getting suspicious. On top of that, whenever it was brought up, Percy would get defensive, and the Avengers would get a little mad at him for keeping secrets when they had all already opened up to him. Even Natasha.

The last thing Percy expected to see that morning, once he had reached the main room, was all the Avengers preparing for a what looked like a birthday party. 

"Who's Birthday is it?" Percy asked and everybody dropped what they were doing to look at him. All their faces read surprise.

"Yours!" Tony exclaimed." August 18!" 

Percy froze and sadness seeped into his face so fast as so strongly he couldn't fake it off." Oh." Came his pathetic response.

"Oh?" Clint shouted and began waving his arms in the air.

"That is the most strange respond young mid-guardian ((sp?)). Especially to a holiday that I have found so many that relish in this day." Apparently Thor had returned.

"Um, yeah.l Percy said slowly, then forcing a smile on his face ha continued." Latter, like after lunch can I head out? Some cousins of mine are in town and we were planning on going out and getting some pizza and catch up with each other."

Tony shrugged," sure, but we get the mourning with you."


Percy was incredibly bored the entire morning, but forced a smile. Today a year ago all his friends had died and he was suffering still.

As soon as it hit lunch time Percy was out of there.

Natasha POV

"Do you think we should follow him?" I asked the rest of the Avengers. 

"Yeah." Tony said and jumped to his feet. He grabbed his phone and messed around in it as he walked to the TV." No one can do an emotional 360 like he did this morning when he found out it was his birthday." Turning on the TV he told Jarvis to open up cam link 23 and soon we were watching Percy walk down the street." Engineered bug so we can see and hear everything that's going on." Tony explained.

Rhodey sat down and everyone followed suit. That is except Thor who stood eating PopTarts.

They watched as Percy hailed a taxi. The taxi was strange though, it was all smokey and Gray, on top of that their seemed to be three women driving.

3rd POV

Percy hailed down the fates' taxi service and soon he was driving across the country. The scenery changed. They entered Canada's boarders and exited as snow fell heavier an heavier. Soon they were in Alaska. This trip would have taken much longer any other way, but thankfully the fates taxi serves was incredibly fast when need be.

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now