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Toney Stark POV-

     What the hell. I thought, why would Pepper want me to adopt a child. Probably something about me being more privileged then other... I guess she's right. But I'm not a father, I'm a Avenger for crying out loud! I entered the orphanage and idly stared at the architecture, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't designed by me." Come on." Pepper said, gently pulling at my arm. I looked at her and sighed, then followed her to a back room. Seventeen children of ranging ages and genders sat in a circle. One by one they said their names, but non of them ever looked at us. If I was going to adopt a kid, s/he was going to have to be able to have fun, not just sit in some circle saying their name over and over again. 

     Pepper sighed, clearly not satisfied. She turned towards the director. What was her name? Mandy? Olivia? Ashely? Whatever her name was spoke something that sparked my interest." Their is one more boy, but he refuses to leave his room. Hasn't eaten in three months, and suffers with many mental ailments. The poor boy haven't talked once sense he got here, nothing can pry that shell off of him." I looked up at this new information.

     "May we meet him?" I asked. The woman hesitated.

     "Only if he wishes to be met, you can see him, but getting him to in-gage in conversation, much less even get him to look at you is a great accomplishment in life." 

     I nodded, the boy sounded interesting. We followed the women up the stairs, to the sleeping room. I walked in and the first thing I noticed was the state the room was in. You could tell what age slept where depending on how the bed  was made, and if it was even made at all. Looking around the room you would have never seen the boy, but one would have to study it to see him. He sat in a corner, his eyes starring intently at the far wall like someone was about to jump out of it. As I neared, I saw the boy had stunning green eyes the seemed to churn, and despite the fact that he looked  sick, he still looked like the handsomest man to ever walk the planet. Im not kidding, that boy was handsomer then me, and that was when he was obviously sick, I wonder what he looked like without the sickness...

     Not the time, not the time, I thought. Pepper walked over to the child and bent down in front of him." Hey, Percy, right?" The boy who I guessed was Percy looked at her, his eyes staring right at her soul. To say it was unnerving was an understatement and I visibly flinched, even though it wasn't a glare. But Pepper looked like she had actually had expected it, and had welcomed it. That's when things got weird they started talking in another language," Ξέρω ότι ο πατέρας σου είναι ποσειδώνα." I starred at her, wondering what the hell she had just said. The boy breathed in sharply." η γιαγιά μου είναι Hecate, μου είπε να σε ανακτήσω." The boy nodded and stood up, only pausing to grab a sketchbook that lay on the ground next to him. Pepper turned to me, a look in her eyes telling me to adopt him or else.

I turned to the lady," I believe we wish to adopt this boy." The lady who I still couldn't remember the name of sputtered in disbelief, but she managed to quickly compose herself," of course." After hours of signing papers and getting people to see all the action happen, we were heading out the door, me a new father of an adopted kid, who happened to be extremely sick. Percy owned a few belongings, but we would have to get him more clothes. All things considered this could be a lot worse. We got in the car and drove back to the Avengers home base. We got out of the car and walked in. I could tell the boy was marveling from the size, he avoided the agents that walked around. The boy seemed to handle it all. He turned to me then spoke," so, your Iron Man?" I nodded, proudly, expecting some sort of applause from him, but he just nodded his head and hummed slightly to tell me that he had heard me. He sat down on a couch and pulled out a cheep ball point pen, probably 25 cents. Percy spun it in his hand nervously, his right leg bouncing, and despite his head looking to the floor, his eyes darting around as if he was waiting and anticipating.

     That's when Thor and Steve decided to walk in arguing about shit, followed by the rest I'd the group. Natasha was the only one who noticed to boy in the presence of all the Avengers. (And in this the Avengers will consist of: Iron Man, Captain America, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, The Winter Solider, Hawkeye, Thor, Vision, Spider Man, and Hulk, and War Machine I'm sorry if you don't like this list, but his is who I want in it so deal with it) "Who's the boy Stark?" Immediately everyone went silent and looked at the couch, only to see the boy raise his head and look at us at each of the Avengers individually, studying them. I was about to respond when someone let out a high pinched screech. I turned to see the sound had emitted from Thor. I starred at him, did Thor just squeal?  Then the strangest thing happened. 

Percy's POV

     A large group came in, presumably the Avengers, but I ignored them, seeing they ignored me. Then one spoke," Who's the boy Stark?" I looked up to see a red headed girl, no emotion showing on her face, or, that's what I would have thought before the second war, but now I could  see from looking at her that their was the slightest emotion around her lips, and the slightest in her eyes. I looked at each and every one of them, studying their eyes, their body posture, figuring out their weaknesses and strengths. Lastly was the one they called Thor, as I starred at him, I saw recognition creep up his face, and before I could glare him a warning, he squealed. Then he did something I didn't expect. He came up in front of me, dropped to one knee in a bowing position and held out his hammer," My hammer is your hammer, my life yours for what you wish." I starred at him, humor in my eyes, a smile tugging at my lips. Looking up i saw the rest of the Avengers starring at me bewildered.

Rolling my eyes Percy spoke." Sorry Thor. Wrong person."

Thor stood tapping his chin." Hmmmm." He mused.


And that's a rap! 

Nico and Will are NOT dating. Sorry if you dont like this.


BTW, the first thing Pepper says is: I know your father is Poseidon 

The second thing Pepper says is: My grandmother is Hecate, she told me to retrieve you

(That was google translate, so it might be wrong...)

Plz comment, give me feedback. 

Till next time 

               -Ur demigodishness 

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now