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The magicians looked at Drew surprised that she knew that.

"You know each other?" The girl Percy assumed was Zia.

"Yeah." Percy glared at Drew." As she put it -Some people have two homes."

Everyone was silent.

"Who are you?" The man beside Sadie asked.

"Who Drew just said I was." Came the lame response. Percy turned back to Carter." Please."

"Yeah sure, just give me a minute." Carter said.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip~~~~~~~~~

Percy walked down the street, dagger in hand. Finding a park bench he sat down promptly just as his stomach growled. Sighing he looked around and saw a man selling boiled peanuts.

Getting up he walked over and bought a small bag. Going back to the park bench he sat down and eat about ten before his stomach started convulsing refusing him anymore food.

Throwing the bag away he through a drachma into a sewer gate and chanted some ancient Greek words. Soon the Fate's Taxi appeared in front of him.

Getting in he sighed." New York." He hesitated." Actually. Camp Half Blood."

The Fates nodded and started squabbling over who got the gold coin as they drove recklessly down the street, but Percy managed to ignore it all. He slowly drifted of into well earned sleep.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

The car lurched to a stop and Percy jolted awake.

"We're here young hero." One of the fates cackled.

"Thanks." Percy sighed as he got out of the car, stumbling a little as the blood rushed from his head making his vision turn brown momentarily. Shaking it of he tracked up the Hill to Camp Half Blood.

Looking around, the place was desolate. Not a single demigod walked their anymore. That made Percy indescribably sad.

Fawns and Water/Tree spirits roamed the valley cleaning and getting ready to go find more demigods. Thee place was full of life and laughter now rung silent. Clenching his jaw Percy slowly walked into the valley.

Tears stung at the back of his eyes as beautiful memories resurfaced. The spirits of the past seemed to dance, strung up in time. The archery range lay quiet no bows piecing the target's thick skin. The climbing wall stayed silent no quacking or lava coming from it. The cabin doors eerily hung open emptied of all former notion that people used to stay their. Dust could be seen in the air as the bright sun sheathed down on it.

Trudging up to the big house Percy nocked on the door.

A sad Juniper opened the door, and upon seeing Percy, burst into tears and hugged him. The war might have been a year ago but the memories were still fresh.

Grover appeared in Percy's peripheral vision as he returned the hug to Juniper. Looking up at his best friend Percy managed a weak smile that Grover could barely return.

"Is he dying?" Percy asked.

Grover just nodded his head. He walked over to Juniper solemnly and pulled her off Percy into a hug of his own. Percy nodded one last time then headed to the back of the big house. He opened the door to Chiron's room after a light tap of the door and an "I'm coming in."

The centaur sat in his wheel chair by a window gazing longingly over the valley.

When Percy entered Chiron looked up to greet his student.

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now