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Percy paced the floor worriedly. Ignoring the strange looks he was receiving from the avengers. Nervously he cracked his knuckles. Percy knew they would have to move soon - the monsters would find them - and he didn't want Nico to get hurt.

His nervousness was soon confirmed when he heard hissing coming from the stairwell.

Immediately on high alert Percy walked over to where the Avengers were. Pulling out his sword he quickly walked to Thor and cut his bonds. The Norse god pulled of the gag as he jumped to his feet.

"You are who I thought you were, are you not young one?" Thor asked.

Percy rolled his eyes." Yeah, and sorry about the ropes Nico didn't know."

Thor gave a light laugh." I do not mind."

Percy nodded his head and reached into his back pocket of his pants and pulled out a brown pouch. Tossing it to Thor he spoke." Call Nico. Tell him to hurry."

The god nodded hos head and ran to the kitchen. The door behind Percy swung open and five dracaena slithered in.

Percy turned tightly on his heel, flipped his sword, caught it, then ran straight at them.

A dracaena threw her net at Percy who fell to his knees, layed down on the floor and slid under the net just as it was about to land on him. Stretching out his sword he pointed it up and slid his sword through the dracaena she hissed as she turned to golden dust and in one last bit of defiance she threw he spear at him, nipping Percy on the shoulder. Flipping up to his feet he deflected another spear and caught the net swinging round he rapped it around the second dracaena's neck trying to choke her, but before he could another dracaena hurtled her spear at him. Percy vaulted into the air letting the spear run through the head of the snake woman he was trying to choke. Spinning around he slashed the weaponless dracaena and faced the last one.

Staying low in a fighting stance Percy restlessly gripped his sword. His eyes darted to and fro.

"Child." She hissed." You have something master wants."

"Yeah, no I don't." Percy responded rolling his eyes." Someone else has it."

"Liesss." She hissed.

"Hestia's dagger?"


"Nope. Don't have it darling. Sorry to disappoint." Percy paused then continued." Why do you even want it?"

"Massssster needsssssss it to risssssssse."

"Who's that?"

"Ssssomeone you don't want to fight child."

"Who." Percy demanded.

"Tartarussssss." She smiled wickedly at his name.

Percy stood up straight and put his sword away. He looked the monster dead in the eyes." Well." Percy spoke smoothly." I have a message for him."

Reaching his hand out he felt the Dracaena's blood rushing thorough her. Smiling he closed his hand into a fist and opened his eyes as she let out a guttural scream. The snake woman crumpled to the floor tears poring from her eyes, face contorted in pain.

"Do you like that?" Percy asked. His voice thick and daunting." Doesn't feel good does it?" He licked his lips and walking over to her he crouched down in front of her as he continued to manipulate her blood." I'm freezing your blood then boiling it. Not Pleasant. It could be worse though.'' He shrugged." Ask Achlys. I chocked her on her own poisons. Made her breath it. Clogged her tear ducts with it. Who knew poisoner could burn a person's insides so much?" He stood back up and pulled his fist qwords him. She screamed out anew as little crystals of blood pierced through her skin slowly and formed in a ball above her head.

"Now." Percy spoke. He released the monster from the pain as he stopped controlling her blood and letting her go limp on the ground and the ball of blood splashed down on her." Tell Tartarus that if he dares come after me and takes anything else away from me I will do that and much worse."

The monster nodded her head quickly and she slithered away, down the steps terrified.

Just then the elevator dinged and Nico stepped out. He saw Percy standing with his back to him looking down at a pool of blood, back shaking and breathing heavily.

A sad look caressed Nico's face as he walked over to Percy. Hugging him he spoke." Calm down Perce. It's okay."

At this Percy lashed out. He unhinged himself from Nico and spun on him." No Nico, it's not okay. Tartarus is rising and I have already lost everyone! Everyone and everything were taken from me because of those damned gods. Everything!"

"Not me.'' Nico soothed.

Percy looked at his boyfriend, broken, and hugged him." I know. I just don't want to do any more."

"Me neither."


Sorry for the short chapter, but it's a chapter so.... yeah....

I honestly don't know where I'm taking this book and what I'm going to do with the hole Tartarus thing so the chapters might be shorter and further apart....

-Ur demigodishness

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now