"Morning, Kitten."

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They had pulled up around 5:45 PM. School had ended at 3:30. But Lance had gotten detention for trying to flirt with a girl during algebra. So he didn't get let out until 4:45. And their little argument, and the slurrs that were thrown took about half an hour. Add the 30 minute car ride, you had a mad Shiro.

Keith and Lance both truged up the porch steps. Neither feeling alive enough to even open the door enough for half of their bodies. It was almost hilarious watching them try to trudge up the stares. But the funniest thing had to be when Shiro told them to come back down once they reached the top.

"Ugh. What do you want Shiro? Can't it wait til morning?"

"No. And what happened to you guys?"

"Highschool." Keith barged in.

"That doesn't explain why you guys are almost 2 hours late."

"Sorry Dad. I got detention. Then we got stuck in traffick. There. Now can we sleep."

Shiro stiffened his back as he sat up. Staring at the boys again.

"Detention again?"

Lance nodded. Not caring anymore. He wanted to sleep.

"Fine. Get some sleep. But I expect time for an explanation tomarow morning."

"Thank you Shiro."

Keith spoke so quietly, Shiro didn't believe him at first. It was the first word he said to him in 2 days. Shiro figured he would keep to himself a couple days. But he had been here a week. He had barely said a paragraph to him since he arived.

"Your welcome, Keith. And I wanna talk to you too tomarow morning. Got it?"

"Okay. Got it, Shiro."

"Goodnight you two."

In unisen the boys grumbled, "goodnight."

They both looked like trash as they trudged up the stairs. Stubling into the rooms as if they were walking on ice. Lance passed out half on the bed. He looked kind of ridiculous. While Keith fell asleep on the bench of his bed while taking off his shoes. He didn't know what had caused him to be this tired, all he knew was he needed to sleep.

Lance dosed off peacfully. Though his back would hate him later, his head was at the foot of the bed, while he was kneeling on the floor. Keith on the other hand was curled into a small ball on the cushioned bench. Either way, they would both feel it in the morning.

Lance had gotten up around 4 am, he had slept around 10 hours now, but he was still tired. He peeped into Keith's room a little to check on the shorter boy. What he saw horrified him.

Keith was on the floor, hands over his head, as if he was waiting for an earthquake. He was crying very loudly. Lance quickly shut the door, Not wanting to wake anyone up.

What was going on with Keith. His eyes were shut, and tears were rolling down his face. Lance didn't know what to do. If Keith was awake he would have held him, but from the looks of it he was still asleep. If he was still asleep, it would be dangerous for both of them to try and wake them up.

Lance tried anyway.

"Keith? Hey... Keith... Its Lance."

Keith just shook more, as if each noise was rupturing his ears. Keith was crying out now. He was saying something in korean. Lance couldn't understand much. But he did recignize one word. The korean word for No. Keith was saying it over and over again. Lance couldn't imagine what was going on in Keith's head, but he knew it wasn't good.

Lance couldn't watch this anymore. He ran to Keith. The only thing lighting his way was the moonlight shining on to the wooden floor. The bright stars clouding the sky.

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