The end, and the beginning

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(By the title it is confusing. Story is not even half way done. Don't worry!)

*Click. Clack. Click. Clack.*

That was all Keith could hear in his ears. Through all the shouting, the cheering.






(Monday Night)

"Come on. Come on. Where is it?"

Keith searched everywhere. Under the bed, in drawers, in his closet, everywhere.

"Fuck!" Keith grabbed his hair and yelled in anger.

"Everything okay Kitten?"

Keith deadpanned to look who was at the door. None other than Shakira himself.

"No. Nothing is alright!" Keith cried into his hands as he sat on the bench.

Lance shut the door, locking it. He walked over to Keith's side, sitting down carefully. Rubbing circles on his back.

"What's wrong?" Lance tried to stay quiet.

"I can't find it..." Keith mumbled.

"Can't find what?" Lance asked as nice as possible.

"My Jacket..." Keith sighed.

"Oh... Well... I'm sure it will turn up one day. It might just be in the wash?"

"I need it to turn up now. I had the money for my cap and gown in there. I'm meeting Miss Ryner tomorrow to purchase them in the office."

"Oh." Was all Lance could say.

"Keith, I can pay for that. What was it, sixty bucks? We have extra money after purchasing the tickets." Lance tried to calm him.

"That was the extra money. We only had about three hundred fifty leftover. Remember? We only have about two hundred bucks. We need that for the couple days we are in Seoul."

Keith was on the verge of having a breakdown.

"Okay. Calm down. We can figure this out. Right now you need to rest. You just got done with your heat, your still limping... Please?" Lance pleaded.

Keith just nodded as he cried in his hands.

"I'll look. Just rest." Lance smiled, kissing his omega's head, laying him in bed.

"Everything will be fine." Keith smiled as Lance whispered in his ear. He stroked the tears rolling down Keith's face.

"I'm gonna go look somewhere else. Hang on." Lance stood, even though Keith really wanted him to sleep beside him.

"I'll come and join you soon, just let me check a few places first for you... Get some sleep, Kitten." Lance kissed the top of Keith's head, and walked to the door. Lights out, door closed, maybe he could get some sleep.


Lance walked all around the huge mansion. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He couldn't find Keith's jacket. For something so colorful, it was sure hard to find.

Lance checked in the laundry room praying it was in there. Nope. He then proceeded to ask everyone downstairs.

Matt was a no. Allura was a no. Shiro, Adam, nope! Shay and Hunk... NOPE! There was only one last place to check. Pidge's room.

Lance knocked on the door, not even waiting a second for a reply before he barged in. Sure enough Pidge had her headphones on, watching the DVD version of "Klance: Heat/Rut edition" on her laptop. They switched from VHS tapes to DVD's when Matt gave Pidge her laptop back.

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