We have got a deal

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Cosmo was getting bigger, as spring came nearer and nearer. They only had been hiding him for a week, but he was already starting to fill in. His ribs faded away from sight with each passing day, and his coat seemed to be less of a matted mess.

"Our baby's growing to fast." Lance held a tissue to his face as he fake sobbed. Keith didn't find this as amusing.

"He's just gaining back the weight he lost on the street. He won't get much bigger, not until about october. I'm guessing."

"How do you know that." Lance shot at him. Since when was he the dog expert?

"I used to work in a market, with my Neighbor, Mrs. Jangmi. She took in strays all the time and I would help take care of them on weekends with Mei. We mostly got Maltese, and Shih-Tzu's, but we had a few huskies."

"Look at you. Keith Kogane, the dog hero."

Keith laughed as he ruffled the Cuban boys hair.

"I don't think so. Ms Jangmi did most of the work. I only helped when my dad was out of town."

"It sounds like he didn't let you do anything."

Keith shook his head. "He didn't. He didn't let me talk to people. Look out the window, open the curtains. Much less leave the house unless it was for work."

"I'm sorry. That sounds awful."

Keith nodded his head, he was quiet. He continued to stare off into space as Lance held him close on the bed. They Watched Cosmo sleep on the bench. He looked so, at peace.

"I'm sick of it. Every time I close my eyes I think about my dad, my sister. The monster I left her with. I'm so sick of it being the only thing I can think about."

Lance held him to his chest as he stroked Keith's hair. Pulling the bangs out of his face.

"What can I do to help. Anything? Because I'm right here."

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"When will you tell me something about you. You never really mention your life back in Cuba. Tell me about it."

Lance chuckled.

"You really wanna here?"

"I want to know everything about you."

Lance rubbed Keith's head.

"What do you wanna start with?"

"How about... What was your family like?"

"Sure... Umm. Well it was me, my mom, my dad, my three siblings, and my niece. More recently my Abuela."

"Oh. Right. I'm sorry that your relation ship with her wasn't good after you came out."

"It's okay. If she can't accept me, then I have more family who will."

"Tell me about them... You can start with your siblings, if you want."

"Okay. I have 2 sisters, and 2 brothers. Marco and Louise are twins. They should be 7 now. Their little terror twins is what they are."

Keith laughed. "Really? That bad? What do they do?"

"Well for one they are thin as twigs, but are always eating. Their always running after each other, and my niece. They make so much noise. One time they tried to ride my aunt Celia's cat."

"That poor cat. At least they didn't eat it too."

Lance playfully hit Keith in the arm.

"What about your sisters?"

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