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The backstreets of Seoul really did hold all of the culture. Lance and Keith had finished their meals, and tipped way more than needed to. Razavi deserved it.

"So, what is next on the agenda?" Lance asked. If any experience was half as good as their morning, then Lance would be happy.

"Well. I was thinking we could go to a few stores, maybe get a few gifts for your family. I want to get Mei something."

"That sounds like fun." Lance smiled.

"Okay, but I have to warn you. Besides me and Razavi, nobody else here really speaks english on this side of town."

"It's okay. I got you, my personal translator." Lance laughed, Keith just shook his head smiling.

"I'll take you to 'Kinkade's" then. He does speak english. Forgot about him." Keith rubbed his neck.

"Well, if he is as nice as Razavi, then I am in." Lance smiled.

"Funny you mention, Razavi works the nightshift there. They are kind of a thing. They are both betas."

"Aww. Love that." Lance smiled.

Keith dragged him to the door.

"Welcome to Kinkade's, how may I help-. No way!" Kinkade came running over.

"Hey man." Keith smiled as the tall guy walked over.

"Hey, we missed you! Did you say hi to Razavi yet?" Kinkade said with a smile.

"Yeah. We just had breakfast at 'The Soul of Seoul'."

"Oooh. I love their vanilla lattes." Kinkade smiled.

"Thank you!" Lance flung his arm up and pointed to Kinkade with appreciation.

"Umm. Hi? Sorry, I didn't get your name." Kinkade smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, Kinkade, this is my boyfriend, Lance."

"Hey." Lance smiled, shaking Kinkade's hand.

"Hey. I'm guessing you're an alpha?" Kinkade guessed.

"Yeah. How did you know?" Lance chuckled.

"Takes an alpha to leave a mark like that." Kinkade gestured to Keith. Keith didn't realize he forgot to put the foundation on his mark to cover it. He was wearing a black tshirt, it was visible.

"Oops. I forgot to cover it." Keith blushed.

"Don't worry, Razavi left her makeup bag in the back." Kinkade smiled.

"We aren't really the same shade." Keith shrugged.

"She has a lot of white foundation for the kabooky fest in Tokyo next week. We are going there together."

"Aww. Okay, I'll mix some of the white with hers and maybe I can get my skin shade?" Keith patted Kinkade's shoulder as he walked to the back.

"Just use white, should blend in perfectly!" Lance laughed from the counter to Keith.

"Damn right." Kinkade laughed along.

"So, what are you here for Lance?"

"Oh, we were going to buy gifts for a few people. What do you specialize in here?" Lance smiled.

"Well. My family and I sell art, blankets, pots, jewelry, picture frames, cookbooks, books, and some scarves in the back. Other stuff scattered her and there."

"Nice. Sounds good. Thank you." Lance smiled.

"You're alright dude." Kinkade smiled to Lance.

"Seriously, how many awesome friends does Keith have? I assumed he was a loner." Lance laughed.

Why Me? KLANCE (Omegaverse AU)Where stories live. Discover now