Maybe. Just Maybe

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Before I continue with this story, and the 5'th chapter. I wanna thank a few people.

Thank you Klance2403 for being the first to respond to my need for help. You saw the crash and burn of my first story attempt, and gave me the mind set I needed to be a wattpad writer.

Thank you soki_kun, You were my insperation for this story. Your Klance fanfics have been amazing to read, you are an amazing author. And I hope to see you someout with many more. You are truely amazing, thank you.

Finally, I wanna thank the people who gave me feed back that I needed. Neither were afraid to be quick to correct something. Thank you DepressedMarshmello, and MagicDuckInABox. Thank you for your help on editing these past few chapters, every tweek ment something to me. Thank you.

Now, here is Chapter 5. Enjoy it...

Keith mentally paced back and forth through his mind. He was locked in a prision cell he could never escape. His mind.

Keith didn't know if it was because of his feelings towards Lance, or his heat making him want Lance so much. All he knew was that he was ready. He wanted Lance inside him Normal Keith would have felt like a slut for even thinking that. But he didn't care. He usually spent heats alone in his room. Occasionally his father's friends would stop by and attempt to "relieve him" and pay his dad. But they had never gone as far as to entering Keith.

Keith was laying on his back, in his bed. His legs were apart a few inches. And his hands were over his head. Lance had texted Keith an hour ago, saying he would be a little late. Keith didn't care about that part. He cared about the fact that Lance had told him not to touch himself. How the hell was Keith not supposed to do that while in heat?

Keith couldn't take it anymore. He had to do something. So, he screamed. Not like anyone could hear him. The rooms were soundproofed.

"Ugh... Fuck you Lance!"

"Umm. Am I interupting something?"

Keith looked to the left. Shay had opened the door an inch.

"No sorry, Shay. Lance has just been pissing me off."

"Oh no... So, things aren't going well in the boyfriend department?"

Keith was dazed out, slowly nodding his head. He quickly deadpaned at Shay's words.

"Oh please Keith... I see you two everyday... I can tell from the way you look at each other, just how much you care about each other... I'm studying psycology, so, I kind of get an upper hand at this thing."

Shay couldn't help but giggle, and so did Keith. He liked talking to her. She was quiet like him, but easy to talk to.

"You know you've been very attentive. I hope I'll be able to repy you."

"Please, don't. I love taking care of people. So in a wierd way your already repaying me. I have nothing to do during the weekends, so... We omegas have to stick together."

"That we do."

Shay and Keith both laughed. Shay reached under the bed, Keith stopped laughing. He just looked, confused?

"I know you shouldn't drink while in heat. Or in highschool. But you may need a little shot to prepare you for tonight. Don't even try to trick me. Lance has had a shit eating grin on his face all day."

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