We Made It! Or Did We?

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Everyone had gathered around the booth by now. Pidge had watched a few Fast and Furious movies while they were doing Mei's hair. And Keith and Lance had taken a few hours to themselves for some shut eye. Shiro and Adam were handling traveling, and ID's. After all, Keith and Lance weren't the only one who had to flee.

Allura was going back to Florida. Matt and Pidge were going with her. Both of them knew more than anybody about tech, which was a highly needed skill for Allura's father's research facility.

Shay was going to Samoa with Hunk. While Adam and Shiro looked for a new house. Shiro made sure to hire his most trusted people to sneak in and grab all of their stuff. They searched the premises, and Lotor was nowhere to be found.

Once all valuable stuff was out of the house, they settled into the basement of Coran's club. 5 air mattresses scattered everywhere. Keith and Lance on one, Matt and Allura, Shiro and Adam, Hunk and Shay, and then Pidge drew the short straw and had to bunk with Cosmo and Mei.

Matt, Pidge, and Allura would be the first to leave. Their flight was booked for the next night.

Pidge had some tapes and photos to burn before they went.

Lance and Keith knew they had to repy her some money, after all she didn't get to use the tapes anymore. It was for the better, as long as those tapes were burned, Lotor had no proof of them being together... Other than Keith's mark.

"We'll miss you guys." Allura nearly cried as she hugged Lance and Keith. Matt was a blubbering mess, even Pidge shed a few tears herself.

Once Allura, Matt, and Pidge were off to Miami, it was Shay and Hunks turn next.

"Keith?" Keith turned to see a packed, and ready to go Shay. Tears ran down her face.

"Oh, Shay, what is it?"

Without speaking, she ran up to him and held on for dear life.

"You stay safe out there, alright? I need you alive for my wedding."

Keith let out a chuckle.

"I'll be there to walk you down the isle, and I'll be there for your first kid, and your second, and however many you and Hunk have."

Shay smiled down to him.

"I'm gonna miss you... You know you kind of became like a brother to me, right?"

Keith sighed. "I know. You feel like a second sister to me. You are the kindest person I know, with a heart 6 times bigger than anyone else's. You're going to be just fine." Keith smiled to her as he wiped her tears away.

Mei came up behind them, and grasped Shay's leg.

"Do you have to go?" Mei sobbed quietly.

"Oh honey, I'm afraid I do. But we'll see you again soon. Our wedding is planned for next July, that's only about 11 months to go. And we'll try to visit for christmas. Or you could come to Samoa for the holidays."

"Okay..." Mei hung on to her leg tighter.

Shay backed up, careful not to harm Mei with her heals.

She knelt down to the little girls level.

"And when I see you again, we can do your hair, we can maybe cause a little mischief. Okay?"

Mei nodded with a big smile. "Okay Aunt Shay."


Hunk came up to say his goodbyes.

"Bye you cheeky monkey." He pinched Mei's cheeks, as she swatted him away in a fit of laughter.

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