Doctors, Dicks, and Drunks.

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It was a few minutes later when they arrived at the doctors house.

He guided Keith to an examination table, where he started to take his blood pressure.

Lance held on to Keith while he drew blood, and ran some other tests. They wouldn't be in Cuba long enough to wait for the results, so they would have to wait for a skype call when they get back.

"Now, Keith. There is one more thing I wanted to run, but, I'm not sure how you would feel about it."

Lance looked at the doctor. He hated seeing his omega so stressed.

"It would be a spinal tap."

Keith's heart sank. His mother had recieved plenty of those during her time in the hospital. Probably one of the most painful tests out there.

He would have to have a needle as long as 1 foot, and about as thick as a chopstick tapped into his spine. Despite normal shots, this one would hurt like all hell, and any numbing creams wouldn't be able to help, considering the nerves than ran down his spine were thick, and sensitive.

He remembered holding his mother's hand while she recieved them. It was a test that could reveal plenty of needed information with the spinal fluid, but it also felt like someone was grinding an axe into your back.

Keith winced at just the mention of it.

"D-do we have to?"

Lance looked to his shivering omega.

"Well, it would help my research... But it would only be able to identify a few problems. It isn't necessary, but if you really think the cancer your mother had was genetic, then it could help us prove it."

Lance leaned down to Keith. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to. I promise."

Keith nodded.

"I think, I'll pass on the spinal tap. I'm sorry, but I can't do it."

Keith apologized feeling pathetic.

"That's alright. I think I ran enough tests anyways." Doctor Filipe added sympathetically.

"Now. I just need you to answer me a few questions, and you can be on your way."

Lance looked to Keith for his okay. When Keith nodded, Lance felt relief wash over him.

"Are you on any medication?"

"Yes. I take antidepressants, and anxiety medication."

He jotted some things down.

"Are you on any birth control, or heat suppressants?"

"I took heat suppressants a while ago, and I am still on birth control. Sometimes I'll take plan B."

"How many years did you take heat suppressants?"

"From age twelve, to, just a few months ago."

"You've never had a full on heat before a few months ago?"

Keith nervously answered.


"Well, I am glad you stopped. Any longer could have lead you to become infertile. What about birth control. How long have you been on that?"

"Age 12." Keith looked down in shame. Lance looked at him with sad eyes.

"Were you sexually active at age 12?"

"No." Keith uttered quietly.

"So why were you on birth control?"

Keith was a shaking mess.

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