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The next three days of spring break went by smoothly. Allura's hair went back to normal. It didn't hurt for the crisp Matt to move. Adam had gotten over his drunk stage, and hangover. Shiro was still digging the white hair. And eventually Shay and Hunk left the bedroom.

Sadly, the three days passed very quickly, and soon, they all had classes to get back to. Pidge and Matt logged on the their online courses, while Keith, Lance, Shay, and Hunk went back to Olkarion High.

Lotor seemed to be backing down recently, which was strange. It was unsettling, but after two weeks everyone let it go.

Keith became a master at covering his mark. Between high neckline shirts, wearing his jacket, and emergency foundation, and concealer. Keith could make it look like he wasn't marked. Soon the stress of worrying about it went away.

Pretty soon, May 25'th came. Just 1 day until Keith would have to take the test. He had sharpened 12 pencils, each with a full eraser. He had 12 pieces of scratch paper, and a water bottle.

He was all set to take the test. Mentally, and physically. Why did he feel like something was missing?

He looked down at his black backpack. He couldn't help but zone out. All he could thunk about was the stress of passing this test. He didn't even notice the person behind him.

"You okay, Kitten?" Keith shook as a pair of hands wrapped around him from the back. They rested on his hips.

Keith was set in a panic, until he smelt it. The ocean. He let out the breath he didn't know he was holding.

"I'm fine Lance. Just stressed."

Lance nodded silently behind Keith. He knew the stress of taking the S.A.T's. He took them just the week before.

"You wanna talk about it?" Keith nodded. Lance pulled him away from the dresser slowly. Taking the bag out of Keith's hands, and setting it on the floor.

He pulled Keith slowly to the bed, and laid him down carefully. Lance got behind him, making sure he was comfortable. He started to spoon Keith, and shush in his ear. Something about white noise calmed Keith. The shushing was nice.

Keith truly was like a cat.

"So. What do you want to tell me Kitten? I'm all ears."

Keith hummed in response.

"Well... I don't know... If I don't pass this test, I might have to wait another year to graduate. I can't leave Mei there that long." Keith could feel the warm tears welling up in his eyes.

Lance rubbed circles onto Keith's back.

"Keith. Baby, I've seen your grades. They are nothing short of perfection. You will pass... I promise."

Lance hummed over Keith's bonding mark. The vibrations calmed Keith down. Being by Lance, and smelling his soft sent, was the best thing for his mind right now.

Lance kissed the omega's cheek, then moved to his neck, and mark. Keith smelled like honey, and lavender. He also smelt like fear. He knew he was stressing about this.

"You know what?" Lance asked out of the blue. It startled the half asleep Keith.

"What?" Keith asked groggily.

"Lets go somewhere. Come on. Up." Lance tried to nudge the omega.

"W-what? Lance, it's 6. I have to go to sleep early if I want to get a good score on the test."

Lance kept nudging him, he had to pull Keith off the bed eventually.

"Come on. Up. We have 3 hours. We already had an early dinner. We have nothing else to do. We can spare some time."

Why Me? KLANCE (Omegaverse AU)Where stories live. Discover now