Missing objects, Missing People

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Hope the title of this chapter doesn't freak you out. He he heeee. ANGST. For like... a minute...


The sun was shinning through the windows of the huge mansion. The birds chirping. The air was still cool and filled with moister from the morning dew.

The bright lights, and chirping found its way into the open bedroom window. Shiro's eyes fluttered open, he was facing the window.

Shiro looked down to find a sleeping Adam wrapped around him. He might have been a beta, but he sure was submissive. A beta in the streets, but an omega in the sheets, Pidge always joked. She never knocks.

When Pidge isn't answered she opens the door. If it's locked, she picks it, then opens it. With Pidge in the house you have to be careful.

Shiro shook his head at his sleeping beta. Adam looked so cute. He didn't get the chance to take off his glasses before falling asleep. Shiro carefully reached, and pulled them off slowly. He set them next to his own on the nightstand.

Shiro felt around, eventually squirming away from Adam. He got up and shut the window, and heavy black curtains. The room soon went back to pitch black, as if the night never ended.

After ensuring that he and his boyfriend could sleep past 6 am that morning, Shiro was content. He slipped back into bed, joining his beta under the comfort of the covers.

He got back to how he was before he got up. Letting his clingy boyfriend latch on in his peaceful sleep. Adam's arms found their way around Shiro's torso. Adam cozied his head into Shiro's chest.

Shiro looked down and smiled. Even if they were in the dark, he still could see his silhouette, his bed head. He could feel the white, tight fitting tank top/under shirt he had on. He felt Adam's black boxers as his legs shifted, curling over Shiro's. He could smell the scent of his peach blossom conditioner.

This. This right here was how he wanted things to stay.

As the alarm clock blared in the couples ear, they slowly awoke. Hunk rubbed his eyes, as he looked over to Shay. She had the covers overbher ears.

Hunk giggled at his omega. She was adorable. He reached over to turn off the alarm for her, and get up.

"Are you cold?" Hunk asked as Shay brought the blanket closer, and held it around herself tightly.

"Yes. It's freezing in here. I can't find my big quilt. You know, the teal one with the turtle in the corner?"

"Aww. I'm sorry. It'll turn up soon, I promise. Want me to get you my big yellow one?" Hunk asked, patting her head.

"If you want. Thanks."

"Anything for you my greek goddess."

Hunk walked to the closet, smiling. He looked in, but he couldn't find it. Where was it? Hunk settled for the grey quilt that came with the bed when they moved in.

"I couldn't find it, I'm sure they ended up in the wash. Is this okay?"

"Yes. It's perfectly fine. Thank you sweety."

"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine in the morning."

"Sure. Now can I please sleep? I haven't slept past 6:00 am in weeks."

"Of course."

Hunk pressed a kiss to Shay's forehead, as she hummed. "Go back to sleep. I'll have breakfast ready for us all by 9."

Hunk opened the door, he was going to walk out when Shay added on.

"Okay... Last night was fun... We should do that more often."

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