"I'm sorry."

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So far, dinner had gone great. They were all gathered around an old pick nick table, though it was truly huge.

Everyone was laughing, talking, and just enjoying each other.

It wasn't until after dinner that things went downhill.

"The kids are all out here, no loud noises inside, we can take Benny up there for a nap." Pamela suggested to her sister in law.

Celia nodded.

"I was gonna go to the bathroom anyway, want me to take him for you?" Keith asked quietly.

"You have experience with babies?" Celia asked positively surprised.

"Yeah. I used to be the one to put Mei to sleep every night." Keith smiled to her.

"Oh, right. Sorry." Celia smiled sadly to him. She was clearly versed on his childhood life.

"It's okay, all good." He smiled to her, which only made her more happy with him.

She handed Benny to him, he looked about one.

Keith smiled to her as he took him upstairs, Ronny opening the door for him.

"He's good with kids too!" Celia squealed to Lance and Pamela. Al shook his head at his sister. She could be a bit much.

Keith reached the top of the steps, and walked to Jessica's room. She still had Rosie's old crib in the corner.

He walked over to it, and started to sway back and forth with Benny.

Benny's eyes seemed to get heavier and heavier, his eyes slowly opening now and then.

Keith didn't hear the person behind him as he started to sing him to sleep.

Keith hummed an old song his mother sang to him, until his voice grew to a soft singing voice.

"How does a moment last forever?
How can a story never die?
It is love we must hold onto
Never easy, but we try
Sometimes our happiness is captured
Somehow, our time and place stand still
Love lives on inside our hearts and always will

Minutes turn to hours, days to years then gone
But when all else has been forgotten
Still our song lives on

Maybe some moments weren't so perfect
Maybe some memories not so sweet
But we have to know some bad times
Or our lives are incomplete
Then when the shadows overtake us
Just when we feel all hope is gone
We'll hear our song and know once more
Our love lives on..."

Keith continued to humm as he placed a sleeping Benny in the crib.

He covered him with the blankets, and made sure he was settled, before he turned to leave.

Keith was taken a back when he saw the figure at the door.

She moved to another room, and gestured for him to follow.

Keith followed her

She led him to Lance's room, and gestured for him to sit on the bed.

Keith did as she wanted.

Lance's Abuela paced back and forth for a few moments. Keith's worried eyes never once leaving her face.

She suddenly stopped in front of him, and crossed her arms.

"I don't like you." She scowled down to the small Korean.

"I know." Keith looked to the floor.

"I'm sure you do. But, my grandson seems to be very fond of you. Isn't that right now?"

Why Me? KLANCE (Omegaverse AU)Where stories live. Discover now