"I believe this belongs to you."

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Keith's heat had lasted all the way until the following tuesday. Keith and Lance had both been exused. Keith couldn't go back until the next weak. Between being fucked, bitten, knotted. Keith. Was. Done. With sex. And Lance, for a while.

Keith and Lance had begun to bicker like a married couple.

"I'm gonna go now. So you'll have to ask someone else to carry your sore ass around."

Lance kissed Keith's head as he started getting ready for school.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out."

Keith chucked a pillow, grazing Lance's head.

"Jesus. I still don't see why your so mad at me. How was I suposed to know?"

"You should always check if the door is closed! Do you know how embarrassing it is to wake up Pidge, and have her interupt us, and see THAT! She will never let us live this down!"

"Your overreaxting. Her reaction wasn't to bad."

"She said she thought I was a top, and asked if she could join!"

"She was joking!"

"It's still embarassing."

"Well I'm sorry you got embarrased... Maybe I can talk to her later about it?"

"No. No. No no no. You've done enough."

"Okay... If you say so... I'll be back later... Bye. Kitten."

"Bye... Drive safely. Or... Whatever."

"See. You do care."

Lance pecked Keith's cheek. This time, he didn't shove him away. He savored his boyfriends taste before he left the room. Making sure to shut the door this time.


Lance waltzed down the stairs, as he did he got a few glances from Pidge.

Lance saw that everyone had eaten breakfast, and had headed out. He got up earlier and grabben some for him and-now un able to walk-Keith.

Lance was getting his left shoe on, when Shiro stopped him in the door way.

"Hey Shiro. Do you need something?"

Shiro crossed his arm, and prostetic the best he could. He glared down at the Cuban boy.

"Oh yes... You and I have something to talk about all right."

Lance shuddered. Shiro sounded mad.

"Let's go. My office."

"Oh no." Lance thought. This wasn't good. Shiro's office was a place you were never allowed. The last time someone was called there they got kicked out of the house.

Shiro lead him through the dark hallways. Anger in his eyes.

When they reached the black wood door, Shiro typed in a code to get in. It opened. The place was even more scary than the rumores.

The room's walls were black. The floor, was red wood. The couches were black leather. So was the giant chair, sitting by a big, black wood, desk. The place just screamed, "You dead! Run fool!"

Lance gulped as he was sat down on one of the couches. Shiro took the other one. The air was quiet. Lance hates it. He could feel the longer the silence last the worse this would get. So he broke the silence.

"So... W-what... What did y-you w-wanna talk about?"

Lance tried to cover his terrified face with a nervous smile.

Why Me? KLANCE (Omegaverse AU)Where stories live. Discover now