"The Soul of Seoul"

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"There are your dvd's for this week." Lance sighed as he set the discs on Pidge's desk.

"Thank you very much. Have fun on your trip guys, see you in two weeks... Be careful." Pidge began to tear up at that last part.

"We will... Thanks Pidge." Keith smiled as he and Lance left. It was four in the morning. They had a four pm flight, but a long drive to LA.

Everyone had said their goodbyes that following night. Pidge was the only one up. Cosmo was on his leash, and still a little sleepy.

Lance shut the door behind him, as they exited the house.

"You ready?" Lance smiled to Keith as they hopped in the truck.

"Yes... I'm glad you're coming with me." Keith smiled as Lance took his hand, driving away from the house.

"I wouldn't miss it. I wanna make a good impression on the most important woman in your life, now don't I?"

"Yes~... But, I have to meet your entire family. That's eight people."

"Don't worry about it, we still have four days until we have to worry about that. Besides, my parents already love you, and they are dying to meet you."

"What about your abuela?"

"If she can't except you, or us, then there are seven other people who can... I'm not gonna let what she says get to me... Or us."

Keith smiled as he looked at their hands. They stayed intertwined for most of the drive to the LAX airport. Along with the walk through security, and baggage check.

Eventually the time came to get on the plane... Which was a little nerve racking.

"Umm. Is now a bad time to mention I get a little air sick?" Keith chuckled nervously as their flight attendant reviewed the safety packet.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Keith held his mouth as he got up to use the bathroom. They had sometime before take off.

Lance wanted to go after him, but Keith locked the door right away, and their seats were by the bathroom.

Lance listened in through the walls, he couldn't hear anything.

Keith felt the strong smelling acid make its way up his throat. It tasted awful. Keith felt a little dizzy at just the thought of being thousands of feet above the earth. He did not like heights.

As Keith felt like it was the last of the vomit, he flushed the toilet, and cleaned his face and hands. Something didn't feel right in his stomach. He felt like this trip wasn't going to go well, but he pushed that thought away as he walked back out to his seat next to Lance and the sleeping old lady by the window.

"Sorry. I get air sick a lot. I should have told you. It's stupid. My mind just can't calm down." Keith sat with his head down.

"I got you covered. I brought some xanax." Lance reached into his carry on bag, pulling out the small container.

"Thank you, but I can't. Between the anxiety medication, and the rest of my shit, that will just give me a panic attack."

"Okay. I guess you're drugged up enough... I'm right here, if you feel sick again, just tell me."

"Okay... I'm trying to get off a lot of my medication. I contacted my doctor back in Seoul, he said it would be okay to lay off on some of them."

"Alright. At least some progress is being made... Why don't we get you to sleep before take off, get your brain calm?"

"Okay." Keith nodded, he was tired. He drove the last half of the drive. Keith nuzzled into Lance's shoulder.

Lance brushed the raven bangs from Keith's face, as he closed his eyes. Keith's breathing seemed to have a calm pattern just after a few minutes. He was sleeping.

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