Tonight is about you

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"I'm not drunk!" Pidge yelled as she was thrown over Matt's shoulder.

"Sure you're not." Matt sighed as he held the flailing Pidge.

"Mathew Holt! Put me down! I want Vodka. Got any?" Pidge was so drunk, Matt had to carry her to her room.

She laughed as if she was psychotic. Everyone laughed as the siblings walked away.

"That was a sight." Allura said, as she finished off her 4'th beer.

"Yeah. I think we should all head to bed. I'm tapping out." Shiro stated as he stood.

"You're not done until I get my special drink, daddy~" adam sneered as Shiro face palmed.

"I told you, 6 bottles of sangria was enough. You had to have 8." Shiro was a little embarrased as he walked away with a drunk Adam hanging to his arm.

"I'm tapping out too." Allura said as she walked to her room with Shiro and Adam. After all, theirs were on the first floor.

Soon Shay, Hunk, had left. Doing god knows what. That left Keith and Lance alone in the living room.

Keith had only had two Summer Shandy's, while Lance had a cherry margarita.

"You want to go to bed?" Keith was to tired to even care what Lance's answer was. He was going to sleep.

"I want to go to bed, but, before we sleep... I have a surprise for you."

Keith perked up a bit. This could either be great for him, or suck like all hell. Sounded like school.

"Dear lord help me." Keith stated as he was dragged up the stairs by an eager Lance.

"Lance, come on. It's almost midnight. I want to sleep."

"No can do señorita." Lance smirked as he pulled Keith to his bedroom door.

"Did you just call me a girl?" Keith asked in confusion.

"Maybe. Who cares if it is meant for females. You're a very feminine man."



"Fair point."

Lance laughed at his blushing omega.

"Okay, okay. Really though. Close your eyes."



Keith closed his eyes tight. To be sure, Lance covered his eyes with his hand.

Lance opened the door, and slowly ushered them in.

He removed his hands from Kieth's eyes.

"Ok... Open."

It took Keith a second for his eyes to un blur. When they did, the sight was nothing short of romantic.

White rose petals were scattered around the floor, and on the silky, navy blue bed. The lights were off, but candles on every dresser and table lit the room.

Lance shut the door behind them, and smiled as he held Keith from behind.

"L-Lance. What is all this?"

Keith couldn't believe his Alpha had gone through this much trouble for him.

"This is my way of congratulating you on passing your S.A.T's.... Aaaand the G.E.D... I'm so proud of you Keith... I am so, beyond proud."

Lance took Keith's shaking hands in his own. He felt over the tops of them, and brought them to his lips.

"Y-you did this? For m-me?" Keith still couldn't believe it.

Why Me? KLANCE (Omegaverse AU)Where stories live. Discover now