It's okay i'm here for you

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// Zach's POV //

I was sound asleep when all of a sudden I heard mumbling coming for another room.

So I decided to go and check it out where about's it was coming from.

I was walking down the hall still trying to find where about's it was coming from.

I saw that all of the boys were sound asleep they all looked like a baby sleeping.

So that could only mean one thing ... that the mumbling was coming is coming from Charlotte's room.

So I opened her door to see if she was okay.

But what I saw made me panic a bit myself.

I saw Charlotte having a panic attack I had no idea what to do because I have never seen a three year old have a panic attack before so I yelled out for Jonah.

// Jonah's POV //

I was peacefully asleep dreaming about all of the things I would be able to do if I was Harry.

When all of a sudden I was awoken from my peaceful slumber by Zach yelling out my name in a worrying voice.

So I quickly woke up and rushed out to find where Zach was because he wasn't in his room.

" JOANH, I'm IN CHARLOTTE'S ROOM " as soon as I heard him say that I started getting really worried.

So I rushed my way into Charlotte's room.

As soon as I reached her room I pushed open the door to see my little sister having a panic attack this really made me sacred because I thought that I was going to lose her.

If your wondering what I mean by lose her I will tell you.

Her breathing because her asthma and other breathing problems that she has ever since she was born.

I will explain some more about her breathing problems later but right now I have to help Charlotte and try to wake her up before its to late.

// Charlotte's POV // 

I could hear Zach and Jonah in my room trying to wake me up. 

It's hard for me to explain in my own words but it felt like my used to be '' Dad" was putting pressure down on my neck really really tight. 

Because I was trying so hard to breath but I couldn't. 

I really want to wake up but I can't !! 

At this point I think that I actually started to cry. 

// Corbyn's POV  // 

I was nicely all snuggled up in my warm bed dreaming about space and walking on the moon when all of a sudden i shake awake to Jonah and Zach screaming Charlotte's name. 

That's when I know that I have to get out of bed and see if they need any help. 

// Zach's POV // 

Jonah and I are still in Charlotte's room trying to wake her up since she is struggling to breath and cry heavily at the same time.

At this point we are both worried sick !

As Jonah still try's to wake her up I hear the door open and a tired voice say " is everything alright need any help ?".

It startled me for a seconded but when I turned around I just saw Corbyn.

Not that I was expecting to see someone else or anything.  

// Charlotte's POV // 

At this point of my dream I see a women in white with beautiful brown eyes and gorgeous dirty blonde that was out who smiled at me and waved. 

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