In you're arms

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// Daniel's POV//
I made it safely got the hospital I parked the car and walked around the back and got my bag out of the back seat then I headed inside.

I walked up to the front desk and asked the lady who was siting there what room Charlotte was in.

She asked me for her last name and I simply said Seavey with a smile on my face.

She directed me with what way to go and told me she was in room 10.

I thanked her and walked in the direction to her room.

About 5 minutes go by of me walking towards the room which she was staying in and I finally found it.

I took a deep breathe and knocked on the door.

" Come in" I heard a soft voice say.

I opened up the door and once Charlotte saw me a smile made its way on her face which makes me smile.

// Charlotte's POV//

The boys were currently telling me a funny story where Zach nearly missed their first show on one of their early days when the had just started the band.

It was pretty funny if you ask me.

But by the pout on Zach's face I could tell he didn't like it how they were telling me that story but don't worry he got his revenge.

Y'all are probably wondering how he got his revenge by showing me pictures of Jack,Corbyn and Jonah and let me tell you they were pretty damm funny.

As Zach was showing me them I couldn't help but laugh I looked over and saw the other three boys with a embarrassed look planted on their faces which just made me laugh even more.

This one of Jojo was by far the funniest if I do say so myself but you guys can be the judge of that.

( The picture will be at the end of this chapter )

* Time skip brought to you by my brain who has no idea what I am doing still up at 5:05 am *

About 10 minutes go by fast with more stories and laughter when all of a sudden there's a knock at the door.

All of the boys all of a sudden turn their heads towards the door then back at me at the same time which I find really creepy.

Anyway moving on I softly say " come in" since I only got out of surgery last night and my throat is sore and dry.

The door opens and I see dad walk through the door a smile start to make its way onto my face he looks at me and sees that I am smiling even though I am going through a hard time right now and he gives me a small smile back.

He puts his bag down beside the couch that the rest of the boys were airing on and made his way over to my bed.

I scoot over so that their is room for him to lay down he hops on the side where I have made the space for him and wraps his arms around me which made me feel more safe and that I can fight this.

He whispers to me " I love you and never ever forget that you will get through this and fight this you are so brave you're one tough cookie".

That makes me smile and after that I fall back asleep in my dads arms feeling safe again.

( Authors Note )
Kia Ora, just so you guys know I am still alive and haven't forgotten about updating this book.

I have been going through a hard time having drama with my friend group which I guess made me feel not as motivated as I was when I started writing this book.

But while I was on my little break something inside of my brain clicked who gives a single shit what is happening in my friend group and all of the drama I should focus on myself and my well-being so every morning and before I go to bed I hype myself up and say positive things about myself and I listen to the playlist that I have on Spotify that hyped me up and gets me motivated for the day.

If through out the day I lose confidence or lose motivation I listen to the boys and all the weight gets lifted off of my shoulders.

So never put you're self down or listen to what people are saying about you they are just jealous of how beautiful y'all are.

Never ever forget how beautiful and gorgeous you guys are.

If any of you guys need someone to talk to or just need a friend don't be afraid to message me because I will always be here for every single one of you guys.

Love ya ❤️

I am going to go to sleep now since it's 5:24 am for me.

One quick thing before I finish up hope you guys are staying safe and healthy.

Until the next chapter ....

C YA ✌🏼
~ Kita
( Word count 851 )

C YA ✌🏼 ~ Kita  ( Word count 851 )@2020

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