You're okay

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" You're allowed to be who you want on any given day. You are not one thing and you should never feel ashamed of growth and change" ~Lauv

// Jonah's POV//

Why oh why does this have to happen to her I only got her back I have no idea what I would do without her she is my sunshine on my rainy days her smile can lighten up anyone's day if they are having a really shit day.

Once I walked out from her room I quickly make my way to the side of the hallway and go into one of the corners and slide down the wall and lay my head in my hands and just brush out crying while thinking.

How ? Why ? Is she going to be okay ? She can get through this right ? All of these questions were running down in my head like alphabet soup.

I was traced back into the real world by someone laying their hand on my left shoulder.

I looked up to see that it was Daniel he looks at me for a minute then slides down the wall right beside me and is quiet for a while and all you could hear were the rest of the boys talking in the distances and where Daniel and I were now all that could be heard was crickets chirping until he spoke.

" Jonah I know that you are worried about her but we all just gotta hope for the best and be there to support her" Before he could continue I cut him off
hurts me Urgg I hate it so much why can't this all just be a bad dream and go back to them good old days.

// Charlotte's POV//

I was asleep when all of a sudden a sharp pain went through my whole Body I had no idea what was happening but all I could do at this point was start crying I was in so much pain that I really needed to know what was happening.

I reached my hand down to try and press the button that calls the doctor who is taking care of me but I was to weak to and I couldn't lean over because of the unknown pain that I was feeling.

There was only one thing I could do and that was to call out for Dad.

While I was crying I tried calling at for dad but nothing came out I kept on trying and trying that's when I heard the doors open wide and saw dad with a worried expression written on his face.

// Daniel's POV//

It was now 12:00 pm and Jonah had finally fell asleep the rest of the boys were still asleep well all except for me.

I was sitting down playing with my hands I was lost in my thoughts but that all changed and I was back in reality and I heard Charlotte calling for me but it sounded like she was struggling to talk and I could tell that she was worried about something just by the one she was calling out For me.

I quickly go through the doors that led  into her room and rush to her side a she looked like she was in a lot of pain.

" It's oaky you're okay I'm here now just tell me what is wrong baby girl" I tell as she I am trying to clam her down and getting her breathing to slow down
" I-t-It hu-hurt-hurts  so much I want it to stop" she states through the tears.

" Okay I know it hurts char but I need you to tell me what hurts and wear about's okay" she nods her head she points to her chest and stomach she looks at me and points to her mouth.

" Do you feel like your gonna throw up ?" She nods I quickly grab the sick bag that  was sitting on a table that was in her room.

She stays on the lean she was on and throws up on the bag I can tell that she was trying to Push the bell for the doctor but she couldn't reach.

I pushed the bell while rubbing Charlotte's back and telling her that everything is fine and that she is fine we are all here for her.

The doctor heart enters the room and by the look in his face I think he knew what was the problem he looked over at me then Charlotte back and forth a couple of times when he finally spoke " it's best if you go and get the other guys so that  I can tell you guys what is happening"  he and I switch places so now he is rubbing Charlotte's back while holding the bag I keep on looking back at her I can tell that she has a confused look on her face and that she is worried I mouth to her " You are okay I will be right back I promise I'm just going to get Jonah and the rest of the boys and then we will be back" she looks at me and nods.

Then she goes back to throwing up I really hate seeing like this and I know that I have said this a lot but its just I am really worried about her she has no idea what is going on and today she is going to know and understand what is happening.

But for now I exit her room and leave her in there with her doctor and go to wake up the rest of the boys.

( Authors note 📝 )

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter I wanted to get a chapter out before Christmas 🎄 just in case I forget to put a chapter out before Christmas.

There are two chapters that I am working on at the moment so hopeful they will be up on Christmas Eve since there's only two more days until Christmas ( Depending on where you guys are from ) and you know it's that  time of the year where town  gets a lot more busy because people are doing last minute Christmas shopping to make sure everything is ready for Christmas.

Anyway it's 3:50am for me which is 10 to 4:00am and I need to wake up before 9:00am and be ready before my friend comes so that she doesn't rudely wake me up because if there is something you guys should know about me is that I love my sleep and I love sleeping and if anyone and I repeat ANYONE wakes me up by I don't know say cold water or ripping the Blankets off of me we are going to have a problem.

Happy Holidays and keep an eye out for a Christmas special chapter coming very very soon and the other two chapters as well.

Well goodnight wait I mean good morning for me and goodnight to all of you beautiful readers wherever the part of the glob that  you are all from.

Don't forget to comment any ideas you guys may have for this book or feel free to message me about any ideas for future fanfic that you guys want and tell me about it and the storyline and I will write it for you guys.

{ Also don't forget to vote 🗳 }

Love 💕 you guys you are the best remember to smile and to make your own sunshine ☀️ or rainbow 🌈 whenever or if you are going through a tough time at the moment and keep clam and keep listening to music cause music can get you through anything I promise.

C  Ya ✌🏻

( Word count 1276 )

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