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" When you focus on the good the good gets better"~Jonah Marais

// 3rd persons POV//

Daniel finds the boys and tells them that they needed to go quickly into charlotte's room so that the docoter can tell them how she is doing adn to update them on her health and process.

Jonah quickly gets uo and runs into his younger sisters room where he saw charlotte throwing up while she was leaning over the side with the doctor was rubbing her back.

// Conversation between the doctor and the boys//

Dr Heart
Okay so first of all is there anyone here that is blood related to her ?
Yes I am her brother
Dr Heart
Okay that's good to know
Do you know how bad she is and what she has ?
Dr Heart
Well you all know that she has stage two of lung cancer
Dr Heart
It is getting worse by the minutes pass by and the good bacteria that's in her body  that is fighting the cancer at the moment is having a really hard time
Meaning ?
Dr Heart
Meaning that her body bacteria is just getting eaten by the cancer cells which is causing her to be in a lot of pain in her chest and stomach which is making her throw up and not be able to move
Is there anyway we could prevent from it getting worse then it already is ?
Dr Heart
There is but we won't be able to do until we get the same blood type
Is that why you ask if any of us were blood real aged to her ?
Dr Heart
Yes, Cause we need to check to see if you guys have the same blood type or cells in case we need to give her extra blood
Oh okay I have one question though ?
Dr Heart
Why might she need extra blood for ??
Dr Heart
That's a good question I was just about to get to that part we have to give her surgery so that we can but a feeding tube so that she is able to eat without cashing her to much pain
Oh okay that makes sense
Dr Heart
Okay so the real question here is if you Jonah would be able to donate some blood for your younger sister since you guys are related ?
Yes I will be happy to I would do anything for her just to see her able to not be in as much pain as she is already in
Dr Heart
Okay once Charlotte is done throwing up you can come with me to fill out some forms and then we can get it done

** End of conversation **

After about 20 minutes Charlotte stops throwing up and Jonah follows the doctor and fills out the forms and goes and gets he blood taken out that he is donating to his sister and then after that he would have to go and get Daniel so that  he can fill out the forms for Charlotte so that she can get the surgery done since Daniel is her dad.

// Charlotte's POV//


As I stop throwing up after about 20 minutes I t try to lay back down on the bed but I can't because my body hurts like hell I think Corbyn could tell because he helped me be able to lay down onto the bed and put pillows behind my back so that I am comfortable as possible I thanked him and he just gives me a smile and said " Of cause anything for you and to make you happy"  a smile appeared on my face after he said that.

He went and sat down beside the boys I saw that Jonah was missing so I  asked dad where Jonah was he said he was with the doctor filling out some forms I just looked at him and said in a low voice oh okay.


All of a sudden dad comes over to me and hugs me gently making sure not to hurt me that's when I suddenly realised that I was crying I guess I didn't realise before because I was in too much pain to care.

" What's wrong baby girl?" Dad asks with a clear worry tone in his voice " I really want JoJo I miss him" I reply while tears a flowing down the side of my face.

" Everything is okay he will be back in 10 minutes he just had to go and fill out a form for something and then he will be right back here right beside you" I just let out a sigh through my tears I was starting to get really frustrated with myself I still couldn't understand everything like why does this have to happen to me it's almost Christmas I want to be at home to celebrate my first Christmas with the boys not here siting in this bed being unable to move without being in pain but no the world had other plans for me.

( Authors Note 📝 )

Hey guys hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter I am already working on the next chapter and the Christmas 🎄 special even though Christmas has already been I'm just running a bit behind on that special chapter because I was busy having Christmas with my family and friends and I didn't have time to be on my phone.

But now that Christmas has been I am able to get back to work and get these chapters out for you beautiful people.

I wish you all a safe and sound holiday for the rest of the holidays enjoy being already with you family and friends cause you never know what is going to happen.

Oh and I hoped all of you guys had a great Christmas 🎄!!!

Anyway I am going to go to sleep now because I am currently starting to get sick 🤒 and since it's 1:07 am in the morning for me.

So goodnight/good morning to all of you guys where ever y'all are reading from I wish you all the best and remember be you and never change for someone else because you are just perfect and beautiful the way you are.

Love you guys 💙💓

Peace ✌🏻

( Word count  1080 )

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