Like a Light

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// Daniel's POV //
I woke up with Charlotte in my arms which made me smile I looked over to where the couches were in the room and saw each or the boys still asleep which just made me slightly chuckle to myself because of how the were all sleeping cause let me tell you when you sleep on a couch you end up in pretty funny positions.

I grabbed my phone with my free arm and check what the time was and I saw it was 6:30.

After checking what the time was I gently place my phone back down on the beside table making sure not to make a noise in doing so.

Once I placed it down I wrapped my arm back around Charlotte and before I knew it I was back out fast asleep like a light.

The sleeping position Daniel and charlotte were in.

// Jack's POV //

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// Jack's POV //

I awoke from my slumber due to me falling onto the cold hard hospital floor  I let out a small groan due to the impact of me landing on the floor and due to me not being a morning person at all as most of you guys should know now I fell back to sleep.

The position jack was sleeping in on the floor.

( Classic Jack 😂😂 )

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( Classic Jack 😂😂 )

// Zach's POV //

All I could tell you guys is that the dream I was having was the most amazing dream I have all my life.

And now I'm living gay dream it's just the best feeling in the world.

The position Zach was sleeping in expect with his legs on Corbyn's. 

// Corbyn's POV //

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// Corbyn's POV //

I was in the most uncomfortable position possible.

Jack was now somehow in the floor, Zach was sleeping like a baby having his legs on my lap and his head the other way and Jonah well I have no idea how he is sleeping because Zach's big head is in the way.

Anyway I think that This is the most sleep that any of us have gotten so far.

Including me even though I was in with Zach's legs on mine position.

// Jonah's POV //

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// Jonah's POV //

Everyone was out like a light except for me, now I know that some of you guys are thinking Joanh why the hell aren't you asleep like everyone else ? Well that's a simple question therefore I will answer. 

I'm to busy overthinking and worrying what will our mangment so or even do once they find out that she is sick. 

I can't just leave her again like a did round about 4 years ago I just can't we are the only family we have left, as well as the rest of the boys and I know that Daniel won't anything happen to her so we just have to play the waiting game. 

With that I was out like a light. 

( Authors Note ) 

Heyy guys, sorry for such a late update to this book towards the end of last year I had my head down in my text books and work books for school because of exams.

But anyway this is the first chapter for 2021 a new year a new me and a new sechdule so that you guys know when I will be updating and what books. 

I will try and update at a time where i'm not at school ( Lmao ). 

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, Don't forget to vote and comment. 

Feel free to message me if any of you guys have any ideas for the next couple of chapters. 

Until the next chapter..... 

C YA!! 

- Kita 


( Word Count 694 )

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