Please be okay

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// Jonah's POV //

I am so confused on what is going on with Charlotte and it is making me worry about her I know that she says that she is fine but when the boys and I walked in and saw Jack patting her back and laying on her side chocking that's when I knew that something was not right.

We were all in her room when she told Daniel that she was going to throw up again so he quickly picked her up and took her into the bathroom I could hear Daniel ask Charlotte if she was hot then after that it went silent the boys and I look at each other with worried looks in our eyes.

That's when I heard Daniel say something that I didn't want to hear.

he yelled for one of us to call 911 Corbyn gets staright on the phone and tells the operator what has happened the boys and I quickly rush into the bathroom where Daniel and Charlotte were.

I saw my little sister passed out on his lap.

" Bro what happened ?" I hear Zach ask Daniel he takes a deep breath for a minute and then he looks at all of us and then he says something no older brother wants to her escape for there friends mouth.

" Well early this morning I heard Charlotte yell out my name so I quickly got out of bed and rushed into her room and saw that she was having a full on panic so I quickly rushed to her side and held her close to my chest after she calmed down I asked her what was wrong and well ..." he stops for a wee while " well what Daniel" I ask "she explanined to me how she was brushing her hair and bits of her hair started to fall out onto the floor ".

As soon as he said that I started breaking down crying because I know what exactly is happening she has cancer.

I just got her back about 4 weeks ago I can't loss her now she is all the family I have left because I don't want to count my dad is family because he is psycho.

We then all hear sirens which must of ment that the paramedics have arrived.

Zach went down stairs and opened the door and led the paramedics to where charlotte was and asked us what happened Daniel explained what had happened all the said is that we need to get her to the hospital.

They asked if any of us were coming with her Daniel and I both say that we are going to go with her and the other boys said that we meet us there.

Damm why can't this be me instead of her she is too young I say to myself.

// Daniel's POV //

There is lots of things running through my head right now its hard for me to explain right now I have so many questions like why her ? and like how she is to young no one her age should ever have to go through this.

I know she will be okay she is a fighter her body is strong.

All we can do right now is wait and hope for the best I know that this may sound weird but right now is the first Jonah and I have cried in front of each other but its true.

We finally arrive at the hospital and they rush her in the tell us to wait outside I really hope she is okay she is my little angle and Jonah's sister.

Soon after the boys arrive and ask us if we have gotten any updates on how she is doing I shake my head no not really in the mood to talk right because I'm too worried about charlotte I can tell that Jonah is to he only got his baby sister back.

Please be okay baby girl know that you dad and your brother loves you as well as the other boys.

After about waiting 10minutes to get an update on her a Dr comes out and ask for the family her for Charlotte we instantly all get up he looks at all of us with sad eyes this is how I can tell that it is bad news and it is what we all feared.

" I'm so sorry but after doing some testing we have found out that Charlotte has stage 2 lug cancer and she will have to stay in hospital for awhile so that we can stay her on cemo treatment straight away" he says we all nood in agreement because none of us have words at this very moment.

Before he leaves we ask if we are able to see her and he says sure so he takes us to what will be Charlotte's room for a long time while she is going through treatment.

Man how are you supposed to tell a 5 year old that they have cancer.

( Authors Note )

Hey guys so I hoped you enjoyed this new chapter I just went to think you guys for 2.7k reads that means so much to me that people read my books.

When I publish my first book " Why me ?" I thought that no one would read it but turns out I was wrong you guys love my books.

Away I have to go now I have school in the morning this week all of the seniors and yr10's are on camp which means yr9's ( the year I'm in ) have a whole week were we do fun stuff.

Then next week on Monday everyone comes back and Tuesday I have a half day because the teachers have to get things ready for prize giving that night and Tuesday my last day at school for the year until next year so tha'ts why I am updating more often now.

Just thought I will let you guys know.

Okay now I am going to go to sleep hold on strach that Now I am going to go and read a fanfic that I am currently reading on here until I pass out cold asleep.

Goodnight Love You guys stay strong!

Also know that I love everyone single one of you guys and never listen to the haters you do you!

peace logging off :D

( Word Count 1078 )

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