The Underground| Part 1

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   Contains: Harassment and domestic violence
      You live in the underground with your mom. Your mom is a very kind woman with a strong sense of humor. You laugh at ever joke she throws at you. You were living peacefully in the underground, even though it wasnt very safe. You loved your mom so much. Your dad had died when you were about two years old. Even though your mother loved him, she didnt dwell on the past, or so you thought. You caught her one day crying in her room which you thought was very peculiar since you had never seen her cry before. She was crying out your fathers name and you were 6 at the time so you didnt really understand. You went back to your room shortly after because you didnt want to disturb your mom.

    One day she came back with a man. He was very tall and muscular and he wore an angry face all the time. Your mom started to date him and you were 9 at the time. You didnt like him, he had a very violent aura. Your mom and him got into fights all the time. You would find bruises on her arms, legs, and even her face. You knew he was the one that did this but you always kept your mouth shut.

   You were scared of him, you were scared what he might do to you if you had disobeyed him or told him to stop hitting your mom. During one fight, you saw your mom get hit and you knew that was enough. You slapped him and tried to protect your mother. He got furious and hit punched you along with your mother. You knew it would only get worse, you knew you werent helping your mother. You were making it even more dangerous for you and her both. You hated every bit of this man. Every night you thought of grabbing a knife from the kitchen and stabbing him with it, to free you and your mother. You never did it though.

   You didnt have many friends, so all you could do with this anger was bottle it deep inside. You felt it as if you were a cup, all of the anger just filling you until it overflows and you finally break. You never cried, well until your cup overflows. You hated him but you really hated yourself for not doing anything. You labeled yourself as less than worthless because you knew you could only sit there and helplessly watch your mom being hit.

   When you were 10 your mom had died. She killed herself. She couldnt handle any of it anymore and you dont blame her. You wish she could have taken you with her. You had to stay with him since you had nobody left. He would leave you days without food and you couldnt stand it. You needed help but nobody would save you from this hell.

    You wanted to escape but you would always find dead ends everywhere you go. You would cry yourself to sleep every night.

    One night you got into a fight with him. He hit you multiple times and you were kicked out of the house for a bit. You could barely walk and you found yourself stumbling into a alley. You held the wall to maintain balance.
"God dammit," you mummbled to yourself. You had looked behind you to see four men who looked way bigger than you. You knew you had already lost this battle. "What do you want," you managed to say without fear in your voice.

   One of the men responded saying,"We just want to have a little fun."

   'Shit' you thought to yourself. You knew you couldnt escape.
With one swift move, one of the men had pinned you to the ground. He started to unbutton your shirt leaving you exposed. You were only 12 at the time and you knew what was coming.

   Then suddenly, something or rather someone took out all four of the men with one fast attack. It was a boy who looked to be around your age.

    "Disgusting" he muttered to himself. He went up to you and asked,"Are you alright?"

      All you could do was stare at him in shock and then you broke. You started to cry and he patted your head. You knew for once in forever that you were safe and that was the first time you ever felt love for someone else rather than your mother.

This is my first story on here and I hope that you still reading enjoyed it. I have a lot planned for this series and I hope that you would keep reading my little story.
    Until next time reader, goodbye

The Underground| Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now