The Underground|Part 3

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I looked at him and he seemed pissed. Not at me but rather "him".

"(F/n) I want you to live here with me," he said as he gripped my hand tight.

I blushed and I accepted, "Yes." I was happy that at least one person in this world cared about me as much as he does. Then, I was pulled into a kiss. Levi had kissed me. I was shocked but it felt so good. He deepened the kiss and I felt his tongue intertwine with mine. I closed my eyes and ran my fingers threw his soft silky hair. He pulled me in closer and grabbed on to my waist. It felt so good but I had to break the kiss to breathe.

"Oi, what was that for!" He complained.

"Im sorry, I had to breathe." I explained.

"Tch! Stupid brat. Breathe with your nose," he said rolling his eyes.

"Shut up and kiss me," I ordered.He pulled me into another kiss.

The next week I went home to get some of my stuff. I put some of my valuables in a box and went for the door.

"Hey! Where do you think your going!" Your father barked (I will start calling him your father because its easier than saying "the man").

"I-Im leaving this hell," I trembled.

"Hehe. Its not like you have anywhere to go." He laughed.

"Yeah, you are right. I have nowhere to go but I know it would be better than here." I lied. I couldn't let him know I'm staying with someone.

"You aren't going anywhere," He dictated. He grabbed you by your shoulder.

"Ow. That hurts!" You shrieked.

"Its about to get a whole lot worse," he said. He raised his hand about to hit you when you blocked it and punched him.

'Woah! Those lessons from Levi helped a lot!' You thought to yourself. You kept punching him. He went unconscious and you left. You went to Levis house and you jumped into his arms. You thanked him for teaching you how to fight. You told him what just happened.

------Time skip------

You started to unpack your valuables which wasnt that much. It was just some old pictures and a teddy bear that you always kept with you.

(That's what your teddy bear looks like if you had trouble imagining it)It was given to you by your mother and always kept it close

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(That's what your teddy bear looks like if you had trouble imagining it)
It was given to you by your mother and always kept it close. You had a very strong attachment to the bear.

"Cute teddy bear," you heard Levi giggle from the doorway.

"It was given to me by my mother. I love this bear, please dont make fun of it," you told him. You weren't angry at him because how could he have known how much you loved this bear so much.

"Im sorry," he said while he hugged me from behind.

"Its ok. How could you know that it had such sentimental value," you reassured him. "Hey Levi?" You said trying to grab his attention.

"Yes, brat." He replied.

"I love you, Levi." You stated while blushing furiously.

He blushed a bright red and said," I love you too." He kissed me and it was a very sweet kiss.

He is way more than what meets the eye. He is a kind and gentle heart even thought he doesn't look like it. "Hey Levi, I have a question for you." You said.

"What is it?" He questioned.

"How old are you? Sorry if it seems like a rude question.

"No, its not rude at all. Im 14 and how old are you?" He asked.

"Im 12. So your 2 years older than me." You chuckled.

"What are you laughing at, brat?" He said angrily.

"I was over here thinking we were the same age. Whatever, I dont care. I still love you." You empathized.

He blushed a little and then it went away. "I still love you too." He exclaimed.

"You are really cute. I hope you know that." You teased.

"No, you are the cute one here." He chuckled.

He kissed you. Then, he deepened the kiss and he tasted like black tea. You wrapped your hands around his neck and he wrapped his hands around your waist to pull you in closer. "I.... Love.... You... So much." You managed to say in between the kiss. You really loved this boy and you wanted to spend every second with him. Everyday for all of eternity. You hope he felt the same.

Two years of living with Levi and you were 14. Levi was in the shower and you heard a knock at the door. You opened it to see your father......

Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger I hope you would forgive me. I will be updating regularly and I hope you keep reading.
Until next time reader, goodbye.

The Underground| Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now