The Underground|Part 5

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    You have been living with Levi for a few years and now you are 16 and Levi is 18. One day he came home and pulled out two very odd looking machines.

  "Hey Levi, what are those things?" You asked him.

  "Its called 3D Maneuver Gear and they are used on the surface to fight," Levi said stoically.

  "Huh?! How in the hell did you get your hands on it!?!" You questioned.

  "Dont worry about that," he said.

  "Ummmm ok," you said a bit worried but you didnt pay much mind to it.

   He taught himself how to put it on and how to use it. He then taught me. He would laugh at me as I fail to balance with the maneuver gear.

  "Haha. You have to relax (f/n). Just breathe."

  "Ok yeah, your right," you told him controlling your breathing.

  Soon enough you both got the hang of the gear. You and Levi were very skilled at using the maneuver gear. Then, in the same year, Levi came home with someone.

   "Umm Levi? Who is this?" You asked Levi.

   "Hello Im Farlan. Nice to meet you," The man said.

   "Uhh nice to meet you too," you replied.

   Levi motioned for you to follow him into the room. You followed him into the room and he closed the door.

  "Levi? What is it and when did you meet him?" You asked him.

  "Im sorry I didnt introduce you to him earlier. He is a good person and I trust him so you should too.

  "He seems like a really nice guy."
  "He really is."

  "I trust him, only because you do."

  "That's nice to hear," he says as he stares deeply into your eyes and smiles."Im going to teach him how to use the maneuver gear."

   You smile and say,"The more the merrier, right?"

  "Yeah," he said as he chuckles. He kisses your forehead and leaves the room.

  Then, before you know it Farlan is using the maneuver gear with you and Levi. It took him a while but he got the hang of it eventually.  It was worth all of the trouble because you, Levi, and Farlan could fly around like birds taking off in the sky. You were happy, you all were.

  You all used the gear to help people. You would take jobs from people and then get money from the jobs and give it to people in need. You all lived like that for a while until she came....

  One day we heard a knock at the door and it was a girl. She was in trouble with the police in the underground because she tried to sneak through the guards but they caught her. Anyway, Levi scared them off and she said her name was Isabel.
She was very nice to the guys but very cold towards you for some reason. You tried to get along with her but she ignored you completely.

  "Why are you so cold towards me and not the others?" You asked Isabel. All she did was stare at you with cold soulless eyes that pierced through your heart like knives. You felt like crying but then you would look weak so you held it in.

   She never liked me and I wonder why. Maybe it might have something to do with Levi. It pissed you off because you were older than her and she treated you like shit. You were 18 and she was 16. Levi was 20 and Farlan was 17.

   A year later, Levi said he had to go on an important mission on the surface. You wanted to go so bad, but you were throwing up almost everyday. You didnt want the risk of getting yourself caught. So, you didnt go, even though you wanted to see the surface so bad.

  Levi told me he would come back to me as soon as possible. He never told you what the mission was about.

-----The Night Before the Mission-----
   Levi came in the room and closed the door. "Hey."

  "H-hey Levi." You said not looking at him in the face.

  "Whats wrong (f/n)?" Levi asked with a bit of worry in his voice.

  "Just worried about the mission your about to go on." You said when you looked at him for a second then looked at your lap.

  He climbed into bed and took your hand and you looked up at him. "I will be fine. I will come back to you, I promise." He said calmly.

"Yeah. Your right." You said as you smiled.

    I hope you liked this chapter. I was a little late posting today. I hope you like this series so far. It will get better I promise.
Until next time reader,goodbye.


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