The Underground|Part 8

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                  (F/n)'s P.O.V
        Me, Levi, and Akira walk up to our door and open it. I walked in and told Akira to pack his things. I started to walk to our room and I heard Levi trailing behind me. I made it to our room and I heard Levi close the door. I turned around and Levi started to approach me. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into a loving kiss. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck to pull us even closer.

   He pulled away and said,"I love you, (f/n)."

  "I love you too, Levi," I pulled him in a tight hug. "We should start packing now. We only get today."

  "Yeah. You're right," Levi said walking towards your closet. "I will help you."

  "Thanks. Wait... You dont have anything to pack?"

   "I dont need anything here, so I will help you," he said taking your clothes and folding them.

   "Thank you." I said again. I pick up the bear that I hold dear and smile. I hold it close to you and then put it in your bag. I take my clothes and fold them putting them inside my bag. Levi does the same.

    ---Time Skip A Few Minutes---

   Im packing my stuff with Levi when Akira busts through the door. "Im done!!!" He says enthusiastically.

   I chuckle and look back at Levi who started to smile a little. "Great. We will only take a few minutes. Unless you want to help us. Its only a little bit more."

   "I will help you." He says walking up to me and Levi. "What do you want me to do?"

  "Help me and Levi fold the clothes and then put them inside of this bag here." I say pointing to the bag.

  "Yes ma'am." He says chuckling.

  I started to chuckle too, then I continued to fold the clothes and plop them in the bag.

----Time Skip Two Minutes----

  "Alright, we are done," I say smiling.

  "Yay!" Akira yells.

  I take the bag and start to walk out the door to my room. Akira passes me and gets his bag. He stops by the front door and waits for us. We catch up and head out the door, Levi closing it. We start walking and before we know it we are headed up to the surface. I smile at the thought of living on the surface. I knew that I was going to have to fight the titans but I wasnt scared because I knew Levi was going to be next to me every step of the way.
I love him so much and that is a fact.

                 ----Time Skip----

   We are at headquarters and Levi shows me my room which happens to be his room. Akira will be staying in the room next to us. I know that Akira will grow up to be an amazing soldier since he has Ackerman blood running through his veins. Me and Akira unpack our things and by the time we finish its night.

  "(F/n) your training starts tomorrow. Just a little reminder."

  "Thanks. Wait.... Who is going to watch over Akira while I train?"

  "I can ask Section Commander Hanji to watch over him. Shes a little crazy but shes good with kids."

  "Ok thats fine. If you trust her with our child then I trust her too."

  I lie in bed with Levi next to me. I lay on his chest and close my eyes. "What are they like? I mean the titans."

"They can be scary at first, but then you realize they are just mindless beings that like to kill humans for no reason other than the kill." He says looking at the ceiling.

  I look up at him. I smile and say, "Im not going to be scared. You want to know why?"


  "Because I have you here right next to me. If I get grabbed by a titan I know you will be right by my side to save me. Thats why I wont be scared." He smiles. "Hey, you should smile more. I love it when you smile," you say as you smile brightly.

  He starts to blush and then smile faintly. "Yeah. Your right, I should."

  I blush a very bright red. I kiss him on the cheek and then I snuggle up close to him. "Goodnight Levi."

   "Goodnight, (f/n)."

We both fall asleep in each others arms. I wake up to Levi telling me to wake up.

  "Hey! Brat wake up! We have training!" I hear Levi yelling.

  "Ok Im up. Im up." I say trying to push myself up. I start to walk to the bathroom. I open the door and close it. I use the bathroom, brush my teeth, and then brush my hair. I step out of the bathroom and start to put on the straps and uniform.

   I hops you enjoyed this part. Please follow, vote, and Im open for requests for future parts. Im going to start posting this series only on Mondays and Wednesdays.

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