The Underground|Part 15

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    Previously on The Underground

   "We've driven away all the titans in the area. Thirty seconds until we open the gate!" He waits a little before continuing. "Its time! Humanity will take another step forward. Show me what you can do!" Erwin yells.

   Everybody thew there hands up and cheered. Levi looked back at me and I gave him a reassuring smile. The gate started opening. I looked out and smiled. "Advance!" Erwin screamed.

    "We will now begin the 57th expedition beyond the walls! Onward!" Our horses started to run foward. I gazed out into the open fields and then my eyes fell onto the sky and how beautiful it was. It was truly a sight to see.

                     Present time~

                      (F/n)'s P.O.V

  I was riding with my squad when someone came up to Levi and told him that the entire right flank had been wiped out and to relay the message to others. Levi told Petra to go and spread the word. She left and we kept going forward.

                ------Time Skip------

    We started riding towards the forest which I thought was a little odd but I kept my mouth shut. We kept going for a while and eventually made it into the forest. Eren was very confused and bombarded Levi with questions. "Eren, take a look at these big ass trees. Its perfect for maneuver gear," Levi stated. Eren stopped asking questions after that. He was a little calmer. Then, a black flare was shot right behind us. An abnormal titan was heading towards us. "Weapons out. Be ready," Levi ordered as he drew out his sword. A few seconds later a titan that was a female came running towards us. It started chasing us, while knocking over trees in the process. Eren started freaking out and so did the others. I was calm because I trusted Levi and his descions. Everyone was yelling at Levi asking for orders. "Cover your ears," Thats all Levi said before firing off an acoustic. An acoustic shell makes a very loud ringing sound. The reinforcements behind us were dying left from right. Eren started to place his hand to his mouth preparing to transform into a titan.

                     Eren's P.O.V

   Maybe if I transform then I coukd save us all. I put my hand to my mouth when I heard Petra yelling to stop. I was about to bite my hand when I heard her yell, "Eren, trust us!"


    I was doing an experiment with Hanji and Levi. I was going to transform in a well and as I was going to bite my hand I couldnt transform. I bit harder drawing even more blood. I was unable to transform and I felt so useless.

                  ------Time Skip------

    I was sitting at a table with my hands bandaged. My hands were showing no signs of healing. "Pull it together, and yes that is an order," Levi ordered me.  "Yes sir," I said. He turned around and went to talk to (f/n). The others comforted me and said it was ok. Were they happy I was unable to transform? I shook the thought out of my head. I picked up my spoon and because of the pain in the hands I dropped it on the ground. I went to pick it up and then a huge explosion happened. I was shocked as I saw a titan hand attached to mine. I tried to get my hand out but it was easier said than done. My squad was yelling at me. They thought I had did this on purpose. "EREN WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" Eld yelled. "NO ONE GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO TRANSFORM, DID THEY!?!" He continued.

"Please I-" I tried to say.

"Calm down." Levi told them.

"WHAT GOT INTO YOU?!" Oluo yells.



  "Oluo! How many times do I have to say it?" Levi says. "CAPTAIN! I NEED YOU TO STEP AWAY! YOUR TOO CLOSE!" Petra yells.

  (F/n) is on my side protecting me. "Now I believe your the ones who need to step away. Do it!" Levi tells her.

   She flinches. "Do it Petra!" (F/n) yells.

   "WHY ON EARTH-" Petra starts saying.

   "A gut feeling." Levi cuts her off. I start to freak out. Then I had enough of people talking over me.

   "BE QUIET! ALL OF YOU JUST BE QUIET!!!!!" I scream.

    Then, I hear," EREEENNNNNN!!!!!!!" It was Hanji running towards me. "I want to touch the arm! Please let me touch this glorious arm!!!!" She yells in excitement.

     "Wait no! I dont think its a good idea!" I yell trying to stop her from touching the titan hand. She touches it and quickly removes her hand.

     "OW SON OF A BITCH!!!!!" She yelled and then she started talking about how it was the best day in the history of science. She asked me questions about the arm. Wait I should just be able to pull it out. I start to take my hand out. I scream in pain and finally I got out. Hanji started yelking nonsense.

Levi walked over to me. "Sorry Captain....." I apologized.

  "So you feeling ok or what?" He asked me.

   ".... Not..... Exactly...... No..." I panted.

            ---------Time Skip----------

      I was called to a meeting. I found my squad and Hanji. She explained how I transformed because I had a specific goal in mind. I thought it was insane that I turned into a titan because I picked up a damn spoon. Petra, Eld, Oluo, and Gunther bit their hands. They said it was because they felt bad misreading the situation.

                    Present time

     "Trust us!" Petra screamed.

"Eren make up your damn mind!" Levi yelled.

"IM WITH YOU!!!!" I screamed. A few seconds later we passed a huge number of soldiers that fired titan traps when the female titan was in range. She was trapped.

                      (F/n)'s P.O.V

    Levi looked back at us and told us he was going back to commander Erwin. He looked at me and winked. I smiled at him. I could see his lips twitch upwards a little bit. He left and we kept headed foward.


     Sorry I havent posted in a while. I was stressed because school started back up yesterday. Im so sad rn. Im going to try to post regularly.
  Until next time reader, goodbye.

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