The Underground|Part 14

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                   (F/n)'s P.O.V
      Today was the day of my first expedition outside the walls. This expedition is a mission to plot a course from Karanes District to Shiganshina District. Levi has been acting a little weird lately since the expedition. We had to wake up really early to get ready. Levi was already awake and dressed unlike me who was struggling to get out of bed. I finally got up and headed to the bathroom. I put on the straps to my uniform and put on my scouting legion jacket. I put my boots on and brushed my hair and put it into a ponytail (or any hairstyle that keeps your hair out of your face).

   I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I opened the door to the mess hall and grabbed a tray. Then, I sat next to Levi and told my squad a good morning. While I ate I had my gaze pointed towards Levi. I was studying his face and it seemed as if he were very uneasy. When I finished eating I put my tray away and walked up to Levi.

  "Come with me," he said sternly.

  "Yes sir," I teased while saluting and giggling a little bit. I know I shouldnt joke at a time like this but I couldnt help myself. He glared at me."Sorry," I apologized and stopped giggling.

   He started to walk towards his office. I think I knew what he was going to talk to me about. He opened his door allowing me to go first. I walked in and he shut the door behind him, locking it. Oh shit. He walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders looking deeply into my eyes. "(F/n)........ Dont die on me....... Please....." He begged.

  My eyes widened a fraction. I didn't expect him to say that. "Levi..... I wont die on you I swear it," I told him.

   "You have to promise me you wont die."

  "I promise Levi," I promised putting my right hand over my heart. "You have to promise me you wont die either."

  "I promise I wont die on you." He promised.

                      Levi's P.O.V

   I felt a wave a relief wash over me. I wasnt going to let her die. I knew she wasnt going to let me die either. We were going to protect each other and ourselves. I was going to protect her and our child with my life. One day this world will be free. We will no longer have to live in fear of the titans. I will make sure that dream stays true.

                    (F/n)'s P.O.V

   He lets go of my shoulders and grabs my hand. I rub his knuckles with my thumb. "I will be alright. I know that because I have you. I will also do my best to protect you," I say smiling up at him (Or you could smile down at him if your taller). He smiles back in return. We walk out hand-in-hand to say goodbye to Akira before going to the horses to leave.

           -----Small Time Skip-----

     I grab my horse (h/n) (horse name). I walk her out of the stables and I hop on. I grab the reins and head towards Levi and the others.

                  ----Time Skip----

   We are waiting next the gate now. Levi is in front, Eren is behind Levi, Oluo is on the right of Eren, Eld is on the left of Eren, Im behind Eren, Petra is on my right, and Gunther is on my left. We have been waiting for a few minutes and then the bells started to ring. That meant the gate was about to open.

   "We've driven away all the titans in the area. Thirty seconds until we open the gate!" He waits a little before continuing. "Its time! Humanity will take another step forward. Show me what you can do!" Erwin yells. Everybody thew there hands up and cheered. Levi looked back at me and I gave him a reassuring smile. The gate started opening. I looked out and smiled. "Advance!" Erwin screamed.

"We will now begin the 57th expedition beyond the walls! Onward!" Our horses started to run foward. I gazed out into the open fields and then my eyes fell onto the sky and how beautiful it was. It was truly a sight to see.

    Im sorry for leaving it on a cliffhanger like that. I want to thank buddichaos for voting and for commenting and TheLastofCats for voting. I appreciate all of the support. Im open for requests. Im also shook that I have over 500 reads. Thanks so much!!!
  Until next time reader, goodbye

The Underground| Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now