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I woke up to my mom and dad just deciding to have there 700th fight in a row. I decided that I would just get ready for school since i was already awake. I checked my phone to see my texts oh yay look who texted me.

Brent: hey babe
Brent: babe you ready for tonight?😉😏
Brent: babe!!??
Brent: babe if you don't answer then I'm sorry your gonna have to suffer....
Brent: you asked for it

Fuck!! Oh well it's not like I'm used to it by now!! Lemme walk you through everything!!
Me and Brent were friends and we both had crushes on each other since we were 12 when we both turned 14 we decided to start dating. Worst decision of my life. About 3 months after we were dating. Brent started to threaten me it scared me bc it would involve my parents and my baby sister that wasn't even born at the time. A year later things started to get physical. Punching, kicking, and just over all the worst abuse ever. The only people I told were my 5 bestfriends. Corbyn, Zach, Jack, Daniel, And Jonah. They always told me to break up with him and I tried multiple times but every time I did things got worse. 1 year later I'm still stuck in this dumbass "relationship" I guess you could call it.
My parents are on the verge of a divorce and I usually am the one to take care of my 7 month year old sister. Her name is parker Paige. She's a sweetie pie and she's usually staying over at the boys house that they share bc my parents are either fighting or on a trip to leave us at home alone.
But enough of all that. I got dressed (at the top). And went back into my room to grab my baby sis out of her bed. I got her changed and jumped into my Jeep and headed over to the wdw house to see if they were ready to leave. They all hopped in the car and we drove to promise child to drop off Parker then headed to school. Ofcourse it had to happen sooner or later I jumped out and was walking to first period with the guys till I saw Brent standing in front of me.
Brent: hey baby we're ya been?
Riley: I was getting Parker dropped off at daycare this morning and I just now checked my phone sorry.....baby....
It hurts me to say that but he will just either get  angered at me or think I don't care or love him. Damn Is he just needey and annoying. Ugh why did I even have a crush on his ass!!
Brent: its ok babe I'll see you after school at my house right?
I looked over at corbyn and he nodded
Riley: ok I'll see you then.
Brent: welp bye baby
He kissed me on the cheek
Riley: bye b-babe...
I wanted to gag when he did that.
Riley: will one of you take Parker tonight bc I know he'll want me to stay the night ugh.
Zach: ri why can't you just dump him.
Riley: Zach!! You know this! Every time I try things get worse!!
Daniel: hey it's ok ri calm down.
Daniel came over and hugged me.
Riley: ugh lets just get to first please.
Thank god me and the boys all had the same classes together. If that didn't happen I don't know what I would do.
___________skip to lunch____________
I was eating lunch with the guys when I got a phone call from my mom. Weird she never calls me.
Mom: hey little slut. Me and your dad are moving out of the house because we're tired of your bullshit. You and Parker can take your shit today and leave because we sold the house so hope you have fun living on the streets.
Ugh my mom and dad were never nice or cared about me. So I guess I've basically been Parker's mom.
Riley: k
I hung up and started to cry. I told the guys about everything and they just came up and hugged me.
Jonah: it's gonna be alright love!! You and park can just move in with us k? We have a extra room.
Daniel: yeah ri don't worry bout it it's gonna be ok.
Zach: I'm so sorry you have to go through this.
Riley: ugh what am I gonna tell Brent why I couldn't come over.
Corbyn: Don't worry we got it covered
Jack: it's all gonna be ok.
Riley: thanks guys I love y'all
Boys: we love you too ri
_________skip to end of day___________
Me and the guys hopped into my car and drove to promise child and went back to my house the boys helped me back mine and parks stuff wich sadly only filled one suitcase. We then went back to the boys house and went to the extra room I layed down Parker's pack n play and I put my stuff on the bed that was already in there. I got a text from Brent asking where I was.
Brent: babe?? Were are you.
Brent: you know what happens when your late babe!!
Brent: be ready for hell!!😈😏
Ugh guess it was sexual abuse yay!! That's my fav!!
I walked down to find Jonah sitting on the couch watching tv.
Riley: hey Jo I have to go like seriously Brent is getting mad and I can't have him mad knowing I can be hurt worse so could you mind just please taking care of Parker. If I am not home by 3 am then worry!! Ok?
Jonah: ok you go but please don't let him take it to far!!
Riley: do I ever?
Jonah: just promise me? I hate seeing you hurt!!
Riley: I promise Jo.
I jumped in my Jeep and drove to jonahs apartment. I rang the doorbell and he opened it and smirked. He pulled me in and slammed the door.
(Ya know what I'm gonna be a holy child and not ruin your mind so just imagine what happens next!!🙃)
When Brent was finished I checked the time and it was 2 am I left after Brent passed out on the couch and drove back to the boys house. I walked into Jonah talking to Parker as she was sitting on the counter.
Jonah's pov:
I couldn't sleep I was too worried about Riley I was sitting on he couch when I heard Parks start to cry I ran up the stairs and got her. She started to quiet down and so I took her to the kitchen and sat her down on the counter while I made some Mac and cheese. I guess you could kinda say that I ranted to Parker about my feelings.
Jonah: Parker what am I gonna do? I mean I've had a crush on Riley since 6th grade!! But I can't date her bc she can't get out of that dumb relationship with that idiot Brent!! I mean I think I'm in love with her by now!! I just can't tell her till her and Brent are over with. Oooh Mac and cheese is done!!
I got it in a bowl and fed Parker while I ate it too. I told parker more about my feelings with me and Riley wow I guess I am obsessed with her. I then saw Riley walk in I ran up and gave her a huge hug!
Jonah: you ok?
Riley: yeah it's just he took it too far this time. So far that after he passed out on his couch that's how I got out of there!!
Jonah: well hey I made some Mac and cheese so how bout you go get up in the bath and I'll go grab you some clean clothes and I'll get your bed ready and I'll put Parker up for bed.
Riley: awe thanks jo I don't know what I would do with out you.
She hugged me and I hugged back.
Jonah: your welcome ri.
She went upstairs and went to the bathroom I ran to my room and grabbed her a hoodie then went back to her room and grabbed her sweatpants. I got park her bottle and put her back in the pack n play for bed. Riley got out and put the clothes on I told her goodnight and hugged her. I went to my shared room with corbyn and Zach. Ugh she drives me crazy. Plus I guess she didn't notice my hoodie.

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