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It's been about a couple weeks after the incident. I haven't really felt the greatest but I haven't told the guys. I'm surprised they haven't seen the throwing up and me at night grabbing something to eat. Oh well I'll just brush it off for now. I got up out of bed and grabbed Parker then got her ready. I went to the bathroom and did my morning sickness. I guess daniel was walking by or something and heard me.
He knocked on the locked bathroom door.
Daniel: hey ri you good in there? Can I come in!?
Riley: y-yeah
He walked in and sat next to me on the floor.
Daniel: you feeling ok?
Riley: yeah I'm fine. Lemme go get parker. We're leaving in 20 minutes y'all!!!
I got up and went to my room to get dressed. (At the top.) I grabbed my phone and back pack and walked down the stairs and went to the kitchen.
Jonah: hey babe
Riley: hey!!
I walked over and we kissed for about a minute then stopped. I grabbed the keys and Parker and we were on the way to promise child. After corbyn took her inside I started the car so we could go to school. We started driving and I started to feel sick.
Riley: hey guys I need some food wanna go to chick fil a??
Guys: yes!!
I drove to chick fil a and told the guys I had to go to the bath room. I ran into a stall and puked my guts out. I walked out and acted like nothing happened. Lol. We sat down and ate our food.
Corbyn: so hows everyone been.
Jonah: good
Zach: amazing now since I have food!!
Daniel: good now that I have apple juice!!
Riley: I got my apple juice my apple juice!!
Jack: y'all are weird.
Daniel and Riley: oh we know
Everyone started laughing. We finished up and headed to school.
We walked to first period witch I really didn't care bout but like I don't want to fail lol.
________Skip to like 8 period__________

It's 8 period witch is reading. We had the dumbest sub in the whole entire world. She was super mean and couldn't stop yelling at us.
Teacher: STOP TALKING!!!
I'm not afraid to get into trouble I get into trouble every single day. Detentions and ISS and AEP are like homes for me. Oh well!!
Teacher: OFFICE NOW!!!
I got up and slammed the door on the way out. Then i received a text on the way out.
Jonah💞❤️💗:wow that was pretty bad ass. But it  was really hot.
Riley: omg 😂😂 I love you for that comment lol.
Jonah💞❤️💗: so what are you getting this time?
Riley: not sure I'm pretty sure it's gonna be ISS oh well!!🤷‍♀️
Jonah: lol ok update me baby!!
Riley:: gotcha babe!!
I walked in the principals office still texting and went straight to his office.
Principal: umm excuse me miss give me your phone right now!!
I passed my phone over bc i wasnt wanting anymore trouble.
Principal: thank you your parents will retrieve this after school today.
Riley: I don't have parents right now...
principal: oh I'm sorry just put it away right now while we talk.
He handed my phone back
Principal: so you yelled and cussed at a teacher. I think maybe two days of ISS will be good.
Riley: ok who's my teacher?
Principal: mr. Herron
SHIT!!! That's Zach's dad. Oh well!!
Riley: yes sir.
I walked back to the classroom and told the guys. Zach was shocked that I was gonna have his dad. I've had him before and he's pretty chill so atleast it won't be that bad.
We jumped in my Jeep and I was starting to get sick.
Riley: hey lets go get parker then go grab something for dinner??
All the boys: YES!!!
I pulled up to the preschool to have Mrs Hannah pull me to the side.
Mrs Hannah: Riley you aren't looking so good are you ok?
Riley: well I have to be real with you now. For the past two months I have had the worst cramps and I've had headaches and I've been throwing up so so so much.
Mrs Hannah: Riley? When was the last time you had your period sweety??
Riley: omg!! I didn't think of that!!!
Mrs Hannah: you might want to grab a test just Incase.
Riley: ok thank you so so much!!
Mrs Hannah: your so welcome sweety now go get your babysister and go home.
Riley: yes ma'am!!
I grabbed park and we drove back home and decided just to order pizza. We all ate the pizza and it was around 12 so everyone went to bed. I grabbed Parker and jumped in the Jeep and left a note just Incase someone was wondering were I was. I drove to the 24 hr Walgreens and grabbed a test. And drove back home. I put Parker in her crib and I decided to wake up Jonah bc I was scared what it was going to turn out. I went into there room quietly and opened the door and walked over to Jo
Riley: baby wake up we have to do something
Jonah: ok babe.
He got up and I walked him to the bathroom and showed him the test.
Jonah: really!?? When did you start having symptoms.
Riley: bout 5 days after the Brent incident.
Jonah: ok well take it and I'll be in my room k babe?
Riley: ok
I did it and went back to Jonah and placed it on the table we waited the 5 minutes and turned it around.....


HA!!!! Cliffhanger!!!!

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