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(I'm sorry I just love the pic at the top 😂😂)

I woke up to crying Parker of course. I walked up to her crib and she was wide awake screaming bloody murder. I have no idea why tho. I grabbed her and cuddled her to my chest so she would calm down while I was whispering to her.
Riley: it's gonna be ok baby. Your gonna get better. We're gonna see what's wrong with you.
Soon after Jonah woke up and the rest of the guys came into my room and sat on my bed.
Jack: sooo umm we kinda need to go to school.
Riley: well I gotta stay home till Parker gets better soo...
Everyone: NO
Zach: dang ok!!
Riley: jack you drive!!
Jack: ok.
Jonah: I'm gonna stay home bc 1 I don't wanna go 2 I'm gonna help Riley out.
Riley: awe thanks baby.
Daniel: ok shut up with all the lovey dovey stuff!!
Riley: ugh y'all go get ready for school!!
Zach: ok mom!!
They all went to get dressed then finally left for school. I put Parker back down for her nap and layed down on Jonah who was laying on the couch and started to make out with him. He then pulled away to say something.
Jonah: well someone is wanting attention.
Riley; no I just need some Jonah.
I went back to kissing him and he started to get handsy by touching almost every part of my body. I sat on his lap straddling him not breaking the kiss. I broke it and just layed my head on his shoulder as he held me. I stayed like that till Parker started crying. I ran upstairs with Jonah right behind me to find that she puked all over her bed and her clothes. I grabbed her and started to run her a bath while Jonah cleaned her mattress on her bed and washed her clothes. Man he's handy. I finished her bath and wrapped her in the towel and put her in pajamas. Then grabbed Jonah and we left for the doctors. We got there and they checked her tempo it was only 100.3. We got into the room and Mrs. vowels came inside.
Mrs.vowels: so it looks like it's just the flu sadly  so I think she just needs some medicine and a lot of rest!!
Riley: ok thank you so much.
Mrs.vowels: alrighty now I just need you and your husband to sign here.
Riley: oh he's just my boyfriend is that still ok?
Mrs. Vowels: oh yes perfect.

I signed the paper and Jonah looked at me and smiled like a 4 year old getting candy.

Riley: why you smiling like a little kid just got candy?
Jonah: bc she said I'm your hubby!!
I started laughing
Riley: your a dork just sign the paper.
He signed it and we left to go get the medicine. When we came back the guys texted me and said to come and pick them up so I went to pick them up and we went back home. I attempted to give Parker her medicine but she completely refused to take it so I called Jonah to help me.
Riley: babe can you please hold Parker down while I give her her meds.
Jonah: yeah sure babe.
Riley: ok parks. It doesn't taste bad I promise just please take it for mamma.
She shook her head no and put crossed her arms making me laugh.
Riley: Jojo maybe she'll take it from you can you try.
I handed the medicine to Jonah and he fed it to her like it was no biggie.
Riley: your kidding me right?? Parker!!
Jonah was laughing so much. Parker finished her medicine and I put her down for a nap. The guys were hungry so I ordered some Panda Express and we ate that. After we finished I layed down in my bed and fell asleep.

Jonah's pov:

I was finishing up my panda when I heard Parker start to cry again. I threw away my food and ran upstairs. Parker was standing up in her crib and trying to get out.
Jonah: awe parks come here.
Parker: hi dada
Jonah: oh Parker. Here let's go wake up mama!!

We walked over to the bed and I placed Parker next to Riley and climbed over the both of them. I layed down and Parker was cuddling my chest while Riley had her head in the crook of my neck. I took a picture and put it on my insta story. With the words "my two babes". I knew Parker was getting better wich was amazing and I knew Riley was happy as could be. But I need to tell her sooner or later that we're going on tour. But she's gonna be our manager just like she asked. My thoughts soon took over and I was sound asleep.

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