Chapter 10

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Where am I?

My mind went completely blank as I stared up at a ceiling, my breathings getting heavier as my vision came to focus.

"I saw the look in her eyes before she passed out, Omkara . Somethingʼs not right."

"I hardly doubt itʼs the case."
Two familiar voices spoke softly and I groaned a little, my head slightly throbbing in pain before I sat up straight, eyeing around the familiar room.

My room.

"Gauri ," Omkara's soothing voice made me flinch and I looked to my right to notice him sitting down next to me.

What happened? I remember falling down, but thatʼs about it.

Am I dead?

"Look at me." He mumbled softly and I brought my gaze to meet his mesmerizing blue eyes before I snapped my head to look at Ajay, who was now frowning at me, his eyes suddenly filling with both worry and suspicion.

"What happened? Were you fast enough to catch me?" I narrowed my eyes at Omkara with a small smirk and he simply stared at me, his eyes flickering down to my lips before they returned back to my face.

"Yes, what did you think was going to happen? You passed out, and Ajay here, saved your life." his tone was surprisingly soft and calm, causing a small shiver down my spine. Screw their super fucking speed. But then again, itʼs not like I wanted to die. I just needed to piss him off, which to my very much annoyance, was not working right now. Heʼs anything but angry.


"Ajay here thinks that youʼve been compelled. Is that true?" Omkara cut me off and I frowned up at Ajay, who gave me a long hard stare before turning away.

"And why does he think so?" I blinked innocently and watched Ajay come forward before bending down to meet my eyes, his palms resting on his lap as he leaned closer to meet my piercing gaze.

"If I threaten to kill your parentʼs right here and now, how would it make you feel?" he asked softly and I stopped to look at him, my eyes no wavering in the slightest bit. Please, donʼt hurt them.

"I couldnʼt care less." I barely muttered under my breath, clearly not meaning those words but then again, why should I even bother? Theyʼre the ones who abandoned me when I needed them the most and now, Iʼm supposed to look out for them?

"Point proven." Ajay sat up straight and I shot him one last glare before my cheeks were roughly clutched and turned to face Omkara .

"No wonder youʼve been acting out, Doll face," He growled softly, my eyes instantly getting absorbed inside his as I froze in my place.

"What did Veer do?" he asked and I went silent for a few seconds before speaking.
"He told me not to let my emotions get in the way." "So he did compel you?"


"Turn them back on." Omkara finally ordered, his face twisting up in anger and I ignored the urge to do as he commanded.

"I canʼt, only he can." I said finally and I heard Ajay let out a groan before shaking his head, which was followed by the words "Obviously, he can."

"Bring the Vervain." Omkara finally said, releasing his grip and I turned away, my mind going blank once again.

"What? But we only have a small portion of it left, what if-"

"I donʼt care, just bring it. If that fucking bastard thinks he can get away with it, then heʼs dead wrong. Weʼre breaking her from the compulsion now." He stood up and I watched Ajay nod hesitantly before disappearing out of the room.

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