Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning, and the first thing I did was untangle Omkara's arm that was slumped around my waist before turning around to face him.

I glanced at his face and smiled a little, admiring his features, starting from his perfect structured jawline, and onto to his soft lips that felt like heaven when pressed against mine.

He was good-looking, Iʼll give him that. But like I said, looks arenʼt everything. Heʼs got anger issues, big ones at that, and he needs to change that if he ever wanted to become a better person. But then again, who am I to have a say in all of this, right?

"Morning, doll face." His raspy voice almost made me melt in my position and I narrowed my eyes as he flickered his eyes open.

"Were you pretending to sleep?" I made a face and he flashed me a grin as I let out a groan and got off the bed.

Everything that happened last night came crashing down the instance I got up and I hugged myself a little before clutching my hands together.

Should I tell him? No, no way. It would only piss him off. First it was Varun, now Veer? Heʼll never let it go.

Heʼll never let them go.

"Leaving so soon?" Omkara asked, his breath hitting against my neck from the back as I let out a gasp and turned to face him, releasing the grip I had on the doorknob in the process.

"Ye-yes, I have to take a shower and go eat."

"Whatʼs the rush? You can always join me in the shower, doll face, I wonʼt complain."

"Iʼm fine on my own, thanks..." I murmured, blushing slightly as I struggled to push his chest away, his body only leaning closer to mine, a smirk tugging on the corner of his lips.

"Are you sure?" "Positive."

"Tsk, too bad then." He took a step back, turning around and revealing his back, the toned muscles on his back flexing as he stretched a little.

Snap out of, Gauri .

"Get ready, weʼre going out today." He said finally, slumping on a towel and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Where?" 'Youʼll see."

"Weʼre just going to visit them, have a small talk, go out for a drink or two and come back home, understood?" Abhay said out loud and I quickly nodded, tugging on my royal blue tank top that well really well with the black tight I was wearing.

Apparently, weʼre all going out to meet up with the humans, random ones at that, before we go for a dinner or drink and come back home. I donʼt exactly see the point of this little walk around town but somehow, it was able to create a better bond between humans and vampires.

Pointless attempt in my opinion, but hey, whatever makes them sleep at night, right?

"Back from salty island, arenʼt you?" Ananya hissed near my ears and I mentally let out a groan before going silent.

"I was compelled, stop getting on my case, Ananya . Iʼm tired of it." I picked out my wool, brushing a few strands of hair away from my face.

"Whatever you say." She grumbled and left for the first time, making me sigh in relief. I tied my hair into a ponytail and looked out, waiting for Omkara , who was by the way, late.

Unusual and not like him, but he probably had something to do. All the guys were now muttering and groaning impatiently but I used this chance to breathe in the fresh air, a breeze brushing against my arms as I hugged myself.

I stopped when I noticed Omkara finally coming out of the house, wearing a grey sweater with black jeans and I admired his taste of clothes. They were always on point and-oh my god, Gauri , stop obsessing over nothing.

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