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1st POV:
I barely remember what happened.
All I know is I lost my mom that day and my free will (not that there was much left). I've lived in the Forest Realm for the last five years. Hiding from everyone to make sure no one discovers I am a human.

I built a small hut to stay in and travel to a township once a week for food and to hear the latest news. Right now I am heading to Red Rose fetch food and water and news. I wear jeans, boots, white shirt and a purple cape. As well as a backpack. I moved passed people easily and entered the Blue inn that was..empty? It is usually full. 

I walked up to the bar taking note that the bartender seemed on edge as well. I sat down, startling him slightly and asked, "hey Mark where is,everyone?" He frowned at me and asked, "you haven't heard the new?" Now it was my turn to frown, "what news?" I asked as he placed a glass of water in front of me.

"You've hears of the Immortals rights?" He asked as he cleaned a glass, I nodded while taking a sip of water. Who hasn't? Theyre the most dangerous vampires known to any race. And cannot be killed people have tried and failed, their are seven of them. When people get wind that their coming to a specific town everyone in that town and the two towns over clear out. Except the humans they can never leave.

"They ate coming this afternoon," he said with a slight shudder. I nodded and said, "thanks for telling me. But why are you still here?" His eyes flashed yellow and he sniffed the air. "They're here you need to hide now." He pulled me by my arm down a hallway and we stopped at the last door. He opened it pushed me inside, closed and locked it.

I looked around the room, seeing that it was a storage area. I sighed and sat down on a crate behind a few others hiding myself just in case. 

"Good afternoon sirs, how may I be of service?" I heard Mark ask and you could hear the fear in his words. I would also be scared if I had to face them. I heard footfalls coming from the main room. More than one pair, that is all I heard except for Mark and It's breathing that is about it. "We'd like some blood and to know where the  closest Human Facility is," a cold voice said that could literally freeze anyone.

"Of course sirs, the nearest one is in the middle of town five minutes from here," Mark said and I could hear him pouring blood (ew) and placing it in front of them. "Thank you hybrid, we will leave tomorrow night after we have rest," another different cold voice said. My blood literally felt cold, I shivered, "yes sirs here is your room keys, please enjoy."
I heard clanking of keys then footfalls going up the stairs. 

As soon as the doors shut I sagged in relief and heard footfalls coming to where I was which made me tense and hide more. The door opened and someone stepped inside, "Des you can come  out, we have to get you out now," I heard Mark hiss as he appeared next to me. Grabbed my arm and dragged me to the front of the inn. 

"Don't come here in about two to four days alright?" He whispered handing me a bag and flask. I nodded, gave him a small smile and a kiss on the cheek. I turned and pushed the doors open, just as I was about to step out a voice made me freeze. "Who is that hybrid?" I turned my head slight( hood still on) and flickered my eyes up. My breath caught in my throat when I saw one of the Immortals, in a skinny jeans, black button up and sneakers with purple hair looking at us...with a blank expression. His skin is quite pale as well...

"Just helping another traveller, sir that is all. Thank you for coming travaller visit soon," Mark said swallowing hard. I nodded stepping out just as another voice asked, "who is this?" "A traveller Taeyhung," the voice from before said. I flickered my eyes up again and saw another male in black with deep red hair...just...staring at me...I think it is,time for me to leave before the rest come...

Suddenly a wind hit me making me stumble back a little, causing my hood to fall backwards exposing my face.

And what I am.

I turned slowly to see the two Immortals standing there eyes flashing red gaze locked on me. "Destiny, run now!" Mark yelled just as one appeared in front of me. 
I gasped but before he could touch me Mark grabbed him and threw him across the room. "Run!" He said and I did just that hearing as he was taken down. 

I was almost halfway when I heard a cry of pain. 
I froze, tears filling my eyes as I remembered what happened last time I ran. I closed my eyes and said, "dammit," turned and ran back while pulling out a emerald dagger. Cannot kill them but can slow them down.

I shot up the steps and into the building gasping at the sight in front of me. Everything was either scattered and broken, broken or just destroyed. Mark was being held against the wall by his neck, his lips turning purple from the lack of oxygen. 

I flung my dagger at the Immortal holding him but hr caught it easily between two of his fingers. He turned his head and smirked at me. I backed away right into something hard. I froze and spun around pulling out another dagger, I faced the Immortal named Taeyhung. I sucked in a breath as he touched  my cheek softly and sniffed my hair. 

"She smiles wonderful," he murmured as he looked toward the others. I turned my head and saw that Mark was on the flor gasping for air. I gasped and bolted to him I touched his face lightly, he winced but gave me a reassuring smile. I opened his palm and pushed the dagger into his hand just as arms wrapped around me and dragged me away from him. 

"No, let go of her!" He yelled and was immediately going across the room I let out a cry trying to reach for him but was dragged away. I felt a pinch in my neck, everything began going dark. I heard a voice say.

"Your are ours now. Human."

Destiny Scarlett The Human BTS FF Ateez FF #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now