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Yeosang placed Destiny on the sofa while the others bickered. She has not moved or spoken since he left.

That was two hours ago.

Her Soulmates and Protectors were confused and frustrated because they didn't know how to solve this or help her. Wooyoung the one Protector who didn't pay so much attention to Destiny decided to try to get her to be herself again.

If only by a little.

Everyone had left either to do research, search for Klaus, train the option were endless. He sat down next to her and decided to examine her.

Her hair was messy and in need of a wash, her clothes tattered and ripped, skin extremely pale, eyes dull. She looked...dead...and Wooyoung  didn't like that for some odd reason. He was even frowning...and feeling something else but he ignored it.

Or tried to.

Wooyoung awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and asked, "so....what is your favorite bird?" He mentally slapped himself while muttering that he is an idiot.

"A hummingbird."

A soft voice said, his head snapped to her but he saw no movement but he decided to ask another question. "What is your favorite colour?" That sounded even more stupid to him but he asked anyway.


Came another answer. "Favorite animal?"  He asked strangely happy he was getting answers out of her.


And so he asked and she answered, it went on for about an hour and she was acting like herself again but only a little. They talked for a few minutes more before deciding to retire to bed. Before entering her room she turned pecked Wooyoung's cheek, whispered 'thank you,' and bolted into her room blushing crimson.

He touched his cheek softly, before muttering something and returning to his room.

What they both didn't know was that someone was watching them.

And it wasn't one of the boys.

Destiny woke up to the smell of...breakfast?
She sat up slowly and stretched while grabbing clothes to change into before heading downstairs.

After showering and changing into jeans, boots and a black shirt she headed downstairs to see who was making food.

Her jaw dropped when she saw Seonghwa and Jin making breakfast and small talk. She looked around the room and saw the others talking to each other and having a normal conversation without...arguing, yelling or break something.

"Hey Des why don't you come and eat?" Asked Jin with a small smile. "Am I dreaming or has hell frozen over?" She asked staying exactly where she was because she was getting an odd vibe.

Yeosang frowned at her and said, "of course it is real! What can't we relax?" "You can, but you never do and you always argue with each other," she replied and she saw them tense.

Mingi walked over to her and pulled her into a hug which freaked her out even more. She shoved away from him and backed away eyeing all of them. "What is up with you Des?" Asked Namjoon pouting, okay this was getting freaky.

"No what is up with you? You guys never act like this!" She exclaimed wishing she had a sense of something normal. They laughed causing her to jump and feel even more scared. Then they suddenly stopped. Yoongi spoke this time, "isn't this what you wanted Des? For us to be normal and not argue all the time or be danger?" "No all I wanted was for us to be together! Not for everything to change!" She cried collapsing to her  knees feeling helpless.

The scene suddenly faded and in it's place..was herself at the age of fourteen  with her mom. She gasped at the sight, her mom looked so scared and sad while moving around to get her daughter out quickly.  Her eyes watered but she blinked it away. Watching how she interacted with her mom and her mom with her.

But it faded when the front door slammed open, her father Klaus walked inside with another male. And he was livid when he saw his daughter run. He stormed to his wife and...

"NO!" Destiny screamed as she shot up in bed her heart pounding, sweating and tears staining her cheeks. Her door burst open Wooyoung and Yeosang stumbling inside.

Yeosang immediately pulled her into a hug while Wooyoung looked for any signs of trouble. She quietly explained what happened still shaken.
Surprisingly this time both men pulled her into a hug.

She closed her eyes and let her tears fall.

She felt safe in their embrace and calm.

Only for a little while.

Destiny Scarlett The Human BTS FF Ateez FF #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now