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I bolted upright and looked around breathing hard, I was in my room it was still dark out. I held my mom's locket, closing my eyes and breathing a sigh of relief. "It was just a dream," I murmur to myself as I got up and ready for the day.

I showered, changed into shorts, boots and a black shirt throwing my red cape on. I flipped my hood up grabbed my bag and headed to Red Rose for supplies. I just needed to hurry before the sunset.
As I entered the inn I sighed in that everyone was still there. I walked to bar and asked Mark for the supplies, he handed over to Jackson and went to fetch it. 

My eyes flickered for anything out of place because I was getting a strange that something was about to happen. Just as Mark returned with my supplies, the doors slammed open and everyone went silent. My eyes widen I shock and fear when I saw who stood there. 

The men who were hunting me.

Mark immediately pushed me toward Jackson and told him to get me out of the imm immediately. Jackson dragged me to the back door pushed me out and told me to run which of course I didn't do. I hid yes but stayed out of sight because I had to make sure they were safe. I was leaning against the tree behind the building hanging around for about two hours when they finally left. 

I sighed in relief then looked to the sun that was beginning to set. It was time for me to leave before the Immortals showed up. If they showed up, which sehow I know they will. I turned and walked into the woods making my long trek home. As I reached my cabin I noticed that my door was...not there...meaning trouble. I pulled out my dagger but kept it hidden from view and headed inside.

I peeked in first noticing my living room in disray but no one in sight and step more in but carefully. I tilted my head and listened a little more closely. I heard a slight thud come from my bedroom then some curse words. I scurried down the hallway, keeping my footsteps light and looked carefully into my room.

Two of the hunters from the inn was going through my draws. I backed away when one of them titled his head and sniffed the air, I snuck into my bathroom going for the window. Just as I had swung both legs over they appeared. I waved at them, jumped down and broke into a run as soon as I touched the ground. 

"Get her!" I heard a voice bellow then footfalls behind me and I pushed myself to run faster. I dodged branches and trees as well as making sure that they weren't on my tail. I got distracted for one second and the next thing I know I am sitting in the middle of a shallow river, supplies and weapons scattered surrounded by hunters.

Well this isn't my day.

"There you are little human, do you know how long we've been looking for you?" I'm guessing...Lex said. I stood up ignoring him staring down at my clothes, good thing I decided in black shirt and not white. I'd be screwed right now. Oh wait I already am! 

"Human I talking to you!" Lex exclaimed gaining my attention. I looked at him and blinked, "oh sorry! What were you saying?" I heard the guy on my left -Zack I think- sigh and say, "you're going on as if your life isn't in danger." I shrugged as I picked some of my things up that seemed good enough for now anyway.

"It isn't you're going to drag me back to the facility aren't you?" I asked picking up my dagger and twirled it. "Not anymore more. We have orders to kill you now," Mike another hunter said as fire was aimed at me making me falter and tense. Before Mike flung the fire a voice stopped him. A very cold familiar voice. 

"What do we have here? Hunters trying to kill a female human? How unacceptable," the voice was behind...Lex I spun my eyes widening in fear and shock when I saw an Immortal with light brown hair and red eyes standing behind him. I shivered as I felt his eyes examine me tightening my grip on my dagger. 

"Jeon, sir! It is just our order sir!" Mike said and he sounded extremely scared. Jeon (his last name I am guessing) raised an eyebrow and asked, "really why?" "She's a rogue sir! Been on the run for five years!" Responded Zack making me swallow as I felt a glare coming from behind me. 

I turned my head and saw another Immortal with pink hair as well as red eyes beside Sam. Yikes, they're getting too close. "But why be ordered to kill her?" Asked pinkette. "Her father ordered it sir," Lex replied tone cold. I snapped my gaze to him feeling my blood boil. "That thing isn't my father!" Lex snapped his gaze to me about to strike me but I ducked and elbowed him in the stomach. His hand shot out and slammed me into a tree. "Show some respect to a Shifter human," he spat releasing me. 

I glared at him and said, "never he can go burn in hell for what he has done." "What has he done human?" Jeon asked making me jump because I forgot they were there for a split second. I took a calming breath and said, "he killed my mother a human and...our towns children," Jeon raised an eyebrow but said nothing. 

I swallowed tensing as five more appeared two from my dream Taeyhung and emotionless guy the only familiar Immortals. That was until my gaze locked on an Immortal in black with broad shoulders and black hair. " You...were there the day my mother was killed..." I stumbled back as he smirked and moved toward me trapping me against a tree. "Ah, yes the human Klaus wanted to give me but Lia made you run didn't she? Which caused her, her fate."

I looked down, gripping the dagger tighter and plunged it into his thigh. He froze for a few seconds before collapsing to the ground  withering in pain the other Immortals surrounding him. I took my chance and bolted. "Get her and return her to me!" I heard him bellow before heading unfamiliar sounds meaning they were looking for me. I pulled out my ring out of my pocket and placed it on my forefinger. It hides scents from any race. Let's hope it includes the Immortals. 

I think I reached the middle of the woods when I couldn't run anymore. The edge of the woods and my escape was only a few feet away, I hoped I could make it. I took a deep breath and was about run again when I heard a voice sing, "oh silly little human...where are you? You cannot escape us. No one can." 

I somehow knew he was close and bolted hearing a chukcle, that sound again meaning he knew where I was. "Human stop this and your punishment will be less painful," another voice echoed through the forest. I was a few feet from the edge of the forest when one stepped into my path. I twirled around him and tumbled onto the other side of the border. I heard serval frustrated growls as I sighed and collapsed on the floor the leaves crunching under me.

I stood up, turned and saw the Immortal I stabbed by the edge of the border glaring at me. The dagger still in the top of his right thigh, his friends behind him. I grinned at him, waved and said, "keep that to remind you I am not one the humans you can tame so easily Immortal." I turned and began walking away but stopped when he said, "see you soon little human."

"Whatever you say Immortal."

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