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1st POV:
All three were silent for a few minutes until Wooyoung spoke, "why are you in the chamber? Why are we here?"

"Because Protector I want to see what her powers are and you three are here to make sure she listens to me," said Klaus through the intercom making me flinch. An alarm sounded making me tense as I heard something slide open on my left.

I turned slowly, when growls and snarls filled the air. My eyes locking on the Brute. A Brute is a huge creature created by the Council none know what it is made from but it is extremely dangerous.

And dumb.

My eyes flickered around trying to find something anything to use against the Brute when my eyes finally locked on something across the room.

And the Brute was getting ready to charge.
So I needed to move fast, o could hear the boys behind me trying to get my attention but if I let them it'll cost me.

I took a breath and went for it hear, the Brute growl and give chase. I slid under the cement bricks held up by something, jumped up and grabbed the pipe.

For now it'll do.

I dodged an attack from the Brute barely and rolled away, looking for something. And fast otherwise I was dead meat.


Hey guys! Sorry it is so short! I ran out of ideas! :( But I hope y'all enjoyed it! Comment follow and vote Please!
Love to hear your opinions!


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