Chapter 7

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2:03 AM

Jungkook was back from the club with half-sober. He entered the house and quickly make his way to the kitchen to drink some water. His hair was mess, neck was full with hickeys. He open the freezer and took out a cold drink and immediately drink it to bomb away his thirsty. He put the bottle back in the freezer and was about to walk away from the kitchen but he stopped when he saw a bowl of porridge on the table together with a small note besides it.

Jungkook furrowed his brows questioningly. He went closer to the porridge and took that small note in his hand.

'Feed your husband, he is sick. I tried to make him to eat, but he refused'


"Oh lord, can't he eat by himself?" asked Jungkook to himself irritated. He sighed and quickly removed his suits and his loose tie from his neck and threw it on the table beside the food. He then slowly lifted the tray in his hand and walked towards Jimin's room.

He clicked opened the door without knocked and his eyes furrowed in confused as why the room was so dark, not even a small thing can be seen in there. He took a careful stepped as he didn't want to slip over something and he moved towards where the switch was located with the tray still in his grip. Soon, the room was bright after the lights was on and Jungkook immediately make his way towards the night stand and put the food on it carefully.

"Yah, Jimin-ah.. wake up" he said while walking towards the elder besides the bed.

He eyed his husband who was completely wrapped in the thick blanket and only his hair can be seen from his angle. He rolled his eyes in annoyed and moved down to grab the blanket and threw it away harshly which makes Jimin to startle a lot.

"Wake the fuck up" Jungkook said with heartless.

Jimin looked at him with puzzled and Jungkook eyeing him back with hatred but soon the gaze softened when he realized the pale look and Jimin's face and the elder actually was sweating madly. Jungkook furrowed his brows even more and slowly took a sit beside Jimin on the bed.

"Still sick?" he asked.

"Get out" mumbled Jimin lowly with crack voice. He turned his body to another side, back facing Jungkook who was still looking at him.

Jungkook didn't think much, he didn't know why but his hand had move with itself to touch the burn skin of Jimin and his eyes widened when he felt that Jimin was still in a high fever.

"Jimin-ah.. You got—"

"Don't fucking touch me!" Jimin pushed his hand away harshly.

Jungkook sighed and swiftly stood up from the bed and grabbed Jimin's small body in his hand and brought the elder gently to sit up on the bed.

"The fuck Jungkook~!" whined Jimin weakly. He wanted to protest, wanted to punch the younger, wanted to fight back but he can't as he was too weak and his head was throbbing in pain like a lot. He can't do anything and he knew it too.

"Shut up. Let's get you to eat something and eat the medicine." Jungkook said before walked towards the night stand and took the bowl of porridge and walked back straight to Jimin's side.

He blended the porridge by using the spoon and took an amount of them on the spoon, he was about to feed Jimin but Jimin dodge away and stopped him with glares.

"I can eat by myself."

"Yeah, I know that too but not this night." Jungkook moved the spoon back towards Jimin's mouth but the elder didn't opened his mouth at all making Jungkook to sigh again tiredly.

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