Chapter 9

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Jimin was walking slowly towards the car with Jungkook leaded him from his side. Jungkook was holding his hand and the other hand was wrapping Jimin's small waist with half-heartedly.

"Asshead! Get your hands away from me. I can walk by myself!" blurted out Jimin while trying to push Jungkook's hand away but Jungkook was much stronger than him.

"Can you just walk? For fuck sake you think that I really want to touch you? If I really wanted it, I'll just grope your damn ass and squeeze them with my hand right the fuck now." said Jungkook with smirk playing on his handsome face which makes Jimin to stop his legs from walking and froze at his place.

Jimin got his eyes rounded big and slowly hit and pushed Jungkook's hand away from him which received a yelled in pain from the younger.

"Get the fuck away from me! Go go! You fuck pervert!"

Jungkook just laughed afterwards and moved back to hold Jimin from behind and help the elder to walk but again he got hit by his blushing husband.

"Noo! Don't touch me!"

Jungkook chuckled and exhaled loudly. "Fine! I'll go first! Walk by your own then" Jungkook then leave Jimin behind alone and walked straight down the street where his car was located without turning back.

Jimin eyed him from behind with big eyes and he started to get panic a little. Ofc, he can walk by himself but the problem is, he was having a migraine and he can't even walk straight. He saw one thing became two things and to get it simple, he needs Jungkook to help him walk.

"YASH! JEON JUNGKOOK! COME BACK HERE!" he shouted out loud and suddenly coughed abruptly which makes Jungkook to turn around immediately and ran straight to the elder.

As soon as Jungkook arrived in front of his husband, he quickly lifted Jimin up into a bridal style and ran straight towards the car which earned a small laugh and yelped from the elder.

"Yah! *Giggles* The fuck you doing?!"

Jungkook smiled," you think.. I'm doing..right.. now.. huh?" answered Jungkook between panted as he was still running down the street.


Jungkook closed the door of the car as he was back from the clinic and had just put Jimin gently in the car. He quickly took off his black sunglasses and opened up the plastic in his hand. He took out one of the tablets that he had just bought for Jimin and also took out a bottle of water from the white plastic bag.

"Here, take this pill and drink this." said him while brought the medicine in front of Jimin.

"No," Jimin shook his head. "I hate medicine."

Jungkook rolled his eyes in annoyed. He took one of the pill out from the tablets and opened up the bottle with his free hand before shoved the pill inside Jimin's mouth and forced the elder to drink the water.

"F-Fuck.. I don't know how to eat pills fucker! Do you want to choke me?"

"If you're a girl, yes I want to choke you but chill the fuck out. It just a pill. Drink this water like you normally do and it will go down your throat."

"You sure?"

Jungkook hummed coldly in respond before moved to the front and began to start his car's engine.

"What if this pill got stuck in my throat and I can't breathe?"

"Then you'll die."

"HAH! I knew it." Jimin quickly spitted the pill out from his mouth and threw it out from the window making Jungkook to freak out in seconds.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

"Saving my life."

Jungkook sighed before hit his head on the steering frustratedly.

"Jesus Christ, come here." Jungkook said softly and took out another pill in his hand and hold the bottle tightly in his hand.

He brought the pill straight to Jimin's mouth but Jimin just glued his lips tightly into a thin line while shaking his head furiously but Jungkook gritted his jaw in annoyed and sharpened his eyes a little making Jimin to look at him with slightly in fear.

"Open your mouth Jimin." said Jungkook strictly, voice deadly cold which makes Jimin to open his mouth immediately with heavy heart.

"Now drink this." Jungkook moved the head of the bottle and gently placed on Jimin's lips and slowly poured the water into his husband's mouth. Jimin drink it with eyes closed shut and hands were gripping hard on his short pants.

Soon, Jungkook took away the bottle from him and he slowly opened his eyes. He moved his tongue to search for the pill but surprisingly, it was gone. He looked at Jungkook with big eyes in confusion.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes with a little bit worried. "What's wrong?"

"It's... It's gone."

Jungkook scoffed and shook his head in disbelief.

"Bullshit, a guy who is 24 years old doesn't know how to eat a medicine?" said Jungkook sarcastically which received a death glare from Jimin.

"Shut the fuck up and just drive. I'm going to break your jaw if you keep talking." Jimin said and threatened with flat tone.

Jungkook just smirked and began to drive away from the clinic. But not long after, his phone buzzed; showing him that he got a message from his personal assistant.

Jungkook smirked and quickly replied the text with his left hand

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Jungkook smirked and quickly replied the text with his left hand.

Jungkook smirked and quickly replied the text with his left hand

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"Um, Jimin."


"I need to go to my office first. I've got some work to do."


"So you need to come with me to the office."

"Oh fuck no. I hate your company."

"I hate yours too. It's up to you whether you want to follow me or just stay in the car."

"Stay in the car."

"You sure? I'll take lots of time."


"Okay, suits yourself."

With that, Jungkook turned his car around and drove the black Lamborghini straight to his office with excited feeling but yet, a feeling of guilty suddenly haunted him. He threw a few glances towards the elder beside him and he suddenly felt guilty. But he just shrugged it off and just went to the building without thinking much.

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