Chapter 12

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*Ding Dong*

"Coming!" Jihyun ran from the living room straight towards the door of his house. He then unlocked the door and twisted the doorknob to open it. Later, his face dropped in surprised.


"Move brat. Let me in." Jimin said before stepped himself inside the house with stress look.

Jihyun eyed him with confusion and quickly closed the door shut before ran to Jimin and hugged the elder's bicep.

"Hyung! What are you doing right here?" Did something happened?" asked Jihyun with curious.

Jimin looked at his brother and smack the boy at the back of his head which makes the younger to yell in pain.

"Aish! The fuck hyung!"

"Can't I pay a visit?"

"Yes, you can't! At least bring your husband too."

"Bullshit. Why should I bring him tch."

"He's your—"

"Cut that shit off and shut up. Don't you know that your brother right here is thirsty?! Go make me a drink."

Jihyun whined out loud and told Jimin that he was lazy as fuck to make one but Jimin hit his head again with glares which makes him to pout and forcedly make his way to the kitchen. Soon later, the boy walked back to the living room with a glass of drink in his hand and gave them to Jimin.


"Yeah, welcome."

"Where's Mom?"

"She's out. Maybe with friends"

Jimin nodded his head and took a sip of his drink. He then took out his phone and he opened up his Twitter account to yeah play with it, scrolling through his timeline, saw lots of videos, until his brother snapped him out from the social app.

"Hyung. You still didn't answer my question."

Jimin lifted his left eyebrows questioningly before shut down his phone away, "You give me question?" he asked stupidly which makes the younger to roll his eyes.

"Yeah, I did. I asked you what are you doing right here.."

"Tch, I told you I want to pay a visit." replied Jimin while eyes were down ; looking at his own fingers playing with each others.

"Hyung, look at me while you're talking."

Jimin raised up his gaze and look at his brother while poking his inner cheeks stressfully.


"You come here just want to pay a visit?"

Jimin nodded his head, "Yeah, well I miss you."

Jihyun chuckled out of sudden. "Hyung, did you know that your eyes can't stay still when you're telling lies?"


"Try to look straight into my eyes."

"I'm looking at you straight into your eyes dick! and I'm not lying!"

"Sure, you should've known that you can't lie. Pali hyung, tell me what's wrong.."

Jimin sighed, "Oh my god.. I'm telling the truth! It's nothing."

"I don't buy that."

Jimin eyed his brother for a moment before looked down to his hand. He palmed his face with his hands and rubbed his face harshly before leaned his back to the couch. He brushed his hair with frustration and slowly threw his eyes back to look at his brother. He stared at the boy and suddenly his eyes became sting and watery. Everything has finally crashed down, his wall or his mask that hide his inner feelings that was still hurt has burned down ; leaving only the truth and sad Jimin that can be seen by his brother besides him.

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