Chapter 36

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(So, who is your bias? Can I know?)


The journey to the Jeon's mansion was so peaceful, only the sound of the tires rotating on the road can be heard. Jungkook was driving the car, holding the steering with only his right hand as his left hand was soothing Jimin's thighs who was sleeping on the passenger seat. He would throw a worried glance in every 10 seconds at his husband because the boy wasn't feeling well since the moment they were in the basement. Jimin had threw up again but nothing came out, only dragged his energy out from his body.

Jungkook had insisted the elder to just stay at home and the parents will surely understand it but Jimin protested. He complained that he wanted to meet his mom. And that was how he ended up sleeping weakly in the car. Jungkook drove the car as gentle as he can because he didn't want to startle Jimin, let the latter to have some rest comfortably.

After half an hour passed, Jungkook had finally stopped from driving the black Lamborghini that owned by him and parked the car behind one of those many luxury cars near the front door.

"Baby?" he shook his husband lightly, "Baby...wake up. We're already arrived."

The latter's body finally moved a little and Jimin's eyes grew opened. Jungkook smiled before ran his hand softly on Jimin's face and brushed the elder's hair lightly.

"How're you feeling now? Better?" he said with softly spoken.

"Yeah.. but I feel a little bit tired and have a slightly headache." Jimin muttered with hoarse voice, face was twisted into a pain look. 

Jungkook sighed worriedly, eyeing his husband with a heavy heart. He should have made the brown-haired boy to stay at home and have a better rest. He knew that the dinner will take a lot of times as he need to discuss about his big project. Jimin opened his eyes and looked at his husband with heavy eyelids.

"It's okay, I'm fine." Jimin said after noticed his husband's facial expressions.

"You sure? You look a bit pale."

"I'm good as long as you're beside me."

Both of them broke into smiles. Jungkook nodded his head, pinching the elder's nose lightly which caused a small laughter filled the car. He grinned in relieved after heard the sweet voice of his baby echoed his eardrums. He went out from the car and swiftly went to the other side of the car which was on Jimin's side. He opened the door with a smile still plastered on his face and bended down to unbuckle Jimin's seatbelt.

"Aughh, you need to give me your lips more often baby. I'm taking a good care of you."

Jimin snorted while letting Jungkook to support him out from the car. "If that's how it goes, I'll take care of myself then. Let go of me." Jimin teased, and the younger quickly shook his head.

"No, let me be a good husband at least."

"What are you saying? You're the most amazing husband, the most lovely and sweet."

Jungkook grinned sheepishly, "You don't have to tell me. I know it too." He stated shamelessly before winked at the small latter causing the boy to explode in red.

Both of them were now inside the mansion and Jungkook was walking beside Jimin, gently helped the unwell boy to walk by wrapping his strong arm around the tiny waist. "Baby, don't you feel nervous? We're going to meet your parents' in law."

"All I am feeling right now is tired and wants to faint." uttered Jimin.

"It's okay. You're strong isn't?"

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