Chapter 37

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[ From 1 to 100, How innocent are you? bitch, be honest ;D ]

A pair of chestnut eyes were burning with flames. The gripped on the steering of the car was hardly tight, making the fist to turn white. Muscle jaws were clenching tight and loosen up, clenching tight and loosen up. It kept repeating because the anger doesn't want to go away.

Jungkook was at the rage of burning his bloods at the thoughts of the previous meeting earlier. He didn't know what should he do. What made him to become furiously upset was; he knew that he can't pushed away his responsibility of his work to raise up his own company and he was also upset with his father's behavior. And what made him scared and worried was; he knew he'll fucked up and Jimin might be exploded in gloomy.

He sighed out loud with the tension screaming out through his breath. He broke his focus on the road to look at his husband who was sleeping at the passenger seat and he felt the ball of guiltiness were getting kicked hard on into his heart. It made him to chew his bottom lips in frustrated.



"What the fuck?!" Jungkook yelled out loud and slammed the table with his tight fist. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Jeon we—"

"This is not how we had planned before. Dad, are you insane? Why are you always being like her dog? You always listened to her for fuck sake!" voiced were now strongly with irritation and molten anger had started to roll through him.

"Jeon! Enough!" Mr.Jeon snapped strictly but only received a sarcastic laugh from the boy.

"Yah, I'm not spitting bullshit right here. You made your own decision to let her follow me to Paris without discuss anything with me. That's even dirtier than my rude attitude right now!" Jungkook gritted his jaw tightly until his body was shaking a little, veins were popped out to the view and eyes were red in anger.

"Jeon?" Merina finally spoke. "No one is gonna get hurt if we go together. It's not like I'm going to do anything to harm you or your image." She said, voice was thick with lies that only Jungkook can smelled it.

"Yeah, think of me as a fool just like my Dad. But you can't pull your trick to me too."

"JEON!" His father exploded at his behavior but he just glared at the older with a killer stare. Rage flowed through him like a larva burning the bloods even more. He didn't know why but he was really mad at the sudden suggestion and he knew that something bad will happened if Merina follow him to get his project finished.

"Don't fucking mad at me! I am the one who should throw my anger slap to all of your faces!" His fury sprang to life.

His father jolted his body up with forced and raised his hand to slap him and he didn't even dodge away to the back, instead he just waited for the sting to approach his face. But Mr.park had stopped his father from doing it and his mother quickly pulled him to the back. He let a big scoffed out from his mouth while ruffling his hair messily.

"You have no feelings of guilty right?" Jungkook said, voice was thick in disappointment.

"Jeon... It's okay. Enough." His mother suddenly barged in, acting like a mother out of sudden making him to snatch himself out from her.

He then walked towards his father and stood closely to the face. Mr.Jeon can felt Jungkook's rage of breath slapping his face. "You simply want to hurt your son..." Jungkook purred with hatred and hurtful, "....just because of that bitch. You picked her over me even though you know it clearly which one is a poisonous."

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