Chapter 24

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After the incident, Jungkook drove the car straight to their place and stormed out from the car, not even bother to wait for Jimin. Jungkook was pissed, he was actually waiting for the elder to explain and apologize, but the boy didn't. He was also mad because of the name Jimin had screamed at him, he really hates that bitch name since the moment they're agreed to call each other by the pet names.

Not to Jimin's fault, the elder was also pissed. But he wasn't pissed because of Jungkook, but he was pissed with the guy earlier. He hates it so much when he needs to deal with a very cocky rude guy. He wanted to just shrug it off, but with being himself; obviously he can't.

Jimin didn't even realized about Jungkook's anger as he acted like nothing was happened. He also didn't even reacted to the big luxury bungalow that Jungkook had put on lots of efforts to rent just to surprise him. But yeah, the reality was evil to Jungkook.

He was so disappointed, he waited for the boy to freak out but no, Jimin had just walked pass him and plopped himself on the couch and immediately drift to sleep. It makes Jungkook's mood to ruin to the worst level and he swiftly walked towards their room that also was being prepared so well for the surprise (lots of gifts on the bed) and slammed the door shut out loud; which startled his husband. He grabbed all the gifts and hide them somewhere in hidden place.

After the sun was down to end, Jimin had finally awakened from his dream. He opened his eyes and stretched his body with groans, the blanket which was covering his body was pulled to the floor as his legs was kicking them. He looked down at it and his forehead immediately furrowed. He examined everything around him and also, he did realized that he was actually in a comfortable black shirt, which was owned by Jungkook. He crept a small smile and swiftly brought himself up from the couch to find his husband.

"Babe?" he calls out with husky voice while walking the stairs up.

"Jungkookie?" he tried again but silence were the one who approached him.

But, that was when he finally enjoyed the beautiful of the luxury bungalow that they were staying at the time. He awed at the chandelier that was hanging up above his head making his eyes to become wide in big.

He then walked towards the big size door that was located in the middle of the place and carefully opened them; he stepped through the small gap of the door and immediately let out a small gasped at the beautiful night scenery in front of him. He stepped out to the balcony and smiled so wide, he quickly took out his phone and snapped the view of the night sky that was filled with the stars that was shining in his eyes.

"Wah, yeppeuda~" he squeaked and jumped excitedly on his place with a fist up to his chest.

He raised his phone again to snap another picture but he stopped when he heard the door from the inside were closed by someone. He smirked excitedly and swiftly make his way straight to the inside.

"Kookie! Come here let's–" he was about to drag the younger to look at the stars but he stopped when he noticed that Jungkook was wearing a casual style; obviously wanted to go out. He furrowed his brows in questioning.

"Where're you going?" he asked and only received a cold look from the boy.

"Grocery." Jungkook replied flatly and began to walk down the stairs, leaving Jimin who finally snapped out and quickly closed the balcony's door behind him and wasted no time to chase after his husband.

"Jungkookiee.." he calls out with a soft voice which softened Jungkook's icy heart in seconds.

Jungkook turned around and hummed, raising his eyebrows in quick before took one of his shoes and make his way to the front door; again leaving his frowned little husband behind.

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