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Carol POV

I laid on my bed thinking about all that has happened in my life recently.

My dad hasn't hurt me since that last time he slapped me but I was still a bit afraid of him.

I blame it on the too much drinking, I guess he didn't mean to hurt me.

I still forgive him because he his the only family I have now and my brother, I haven't heard anything from him.

I miss him and all the fun time we had together, after mum died,he just shut everyone out including me and one day I came back from school and couldn't find him at home.

Since then I haven't heard anything from him,but I believe he his going to come back,and we will be a family again.

Me,him and dad.

With that thought on my mind,I couldn't help the smile that spread on my face.

But that smile faded when I heard my dad calling my name in an angry tone.

God please,not again.

I quickly made my way downstairs.

Yes dad,I said keeping my distance from him.

Why didn't you clean the house this morning, he yelled at me.

I was surprised with his question, my dad has never asked me to clean the house before,he was the one always doing that.

I'm sorry,I will quickly do it now,I said nervously.

Before I knew it he was in front of me,he hit me on the stomach hard.

I fell down in pain as I held my stomach.

It hurts so bad,I coughed.

I looked at the ground and my eyes widen in shock,I was coughing out blood.

I looked at my dad,but that didn't seem to affect him.

It was like he was a monster.

He pulled my hair roughly, he brought my face to look at him.

I could smell the alcohol on him.

From now on,you will be cleaning the house and taking care of everything that is needed,if not,you will pay dearly for it,he spat.

Now go make me breakfast, he scowl at me.

He left my hair as I fell right back on the floor.

I stood up slowly making my way to the kitchen.

My stomach still hurt so bad but I had stopped coughing.

I washed my hands as I prepared breakfast for him.

After I was done,I placed his food on the table.

He came inside the kitchen immediately I was about to leave.

He looked at me then at the food.

I closed my eyes ready for him to hit me again but when I felt nothing, I opened my eyes again.

He was seated on one of the chair.

Come here,he said.

I slowly went over to him,hoping he was going to apologized and tell me how sorry he was but oh boy was I wrong.

Go to the nearby store and get me a cigarette, he said handing me some money.

I looked at my dad then at the money.

My dad smoking?, my dad has never smoked,he was the most responsible person I knew and the thought of my dad smoking made me want to throw up.

Are you going to stand there or get me what I asked you,he asked irritated.

I quickly left the kitchen before he gets angry and hit me again.

Mum,what's happening to dad,I cried out when I was out of the house.

Reid POV

Dude did you see the way I killed your men,Blake smirked at me.

Just because you won this game,I'm not going to let you win again, I told him.

Like you were the one who let me win,I totally beat you in this game,he laughed.

Boys quiet down,Mrs Norma shouted at us.

Mrs Norma has been the one taking care of Blake and I since we were kid.

You could say Blake and I grew up as brother and Mrs Norma was our mother.

Reid wouldn't admit that he lost to me,Blake pout.

I rolled my eyes at his childish ways.

Blake I need you to get something from Mr Mayo shop for me,she smiled at me.

Okay mum,I said standing up.

Yeah,I do call her my mum,since she is the only one I have.

I got into my car driving off to Mr Mayo shop.

I got to his shop and got the stuff mum asked me to get.

Soon it started raining,I quickly got in my car driving back home.

I saw someone walking under the rain and it was like she was having problem walking.

I stopped my car in front of her.

Miss do you need a lift, I asked her.

She turned to face me and it was like I stopped breathing.

Carol?,I said.

She looked at me surprised.

How...how did you know my name,she stammered.

We go to the same school,I scratch the back of my head nervously.

She looked at me with wide eyes as her mouth formed an "O" shape.

I laughed nervously, opening my door for her to get in.

She insisted for a minute before she finally entered.

I smiled like a 5 years boy that was given his favorite food.

I'm Reid,I smiled at her.

She nodded her head while blushing.

I noticed she was still holding her stomach.

Is something wrong with your stomach, I asked her.

Her body tensed up before she shook her head no.

I didn't believe her but i decided not to push it further.

So where's your house,I asked her.

Just by the left,she said.

We got to her house,it didn't look so bad.

She was about to open the door but I held her hands.

We both look at our hands that were together before she quickly removed her hands.

I'm sorry,I told her.

She smiled lightly at me.

Friends?,I asked her.

I don't know why I wanted us to be friends but I felt a kind of connection to her that I can't explain.

Friends,she smiled.

She got down from my car.

I waited until she has safely entered her house before I drove off.

The smile never leaving my face.

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