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Carol POV

It's been a week now and Reid was still avoiding me,although I do talk with Blake on few occasions,Reid won't even look at me.

To say I wasn't affected was a lie, I don't know if I like him or not but I know I felt something for him,I wasn't really sure what it was.

Can you stop thinking about him,Eloisa laughed.

Do you think if I apologize he will talk to me,I asked her.

You could try tho,she said.

I looked around and I could see Blake and him sitting at the very end of the lunch room.

I looked at Harry who was looking at me.

He waved at me and I waved back.

Immediately Reid got up to leave.

I look at Eloisa and she was looking at me.

Follow him,she said.

I quickly followed him when I saw he had left.

Reid wait,I called out to him.

He didn't stop as he continued to walk faster away from me.

I didn't have a choice than to run after him.

Stop please,I held his hand.

He stop to look at me with anger.

Do you like him,he asked pushing my hand away.

No,I don't, I said.

He looked a bit calm after my answer.

I'm sorry about everything, I said looking at him in the eyes.

Report to the police then,he said.

I can't,I can't do it,he his my father, I cried.

A father that hits his daughter, what kind of father is that!,he yelled.

I flinch back at his outburst.

I'm sorry,he said calming  himself down.

I can help you,let me help you,he held my hands.

I didn't know what to do,I couldn't report to the police,they will take my father away and I was going to be alone.

I'm not up to 18 yet,that means they are going to take me to a foster home,I cried.

He seem to think about it as he hugged me.

Please don't push me away,let me help you,he pleaded.

I nodded my head as I hugged him back.

I felt...I felt complete with him,like he was the missing part that was looking for.

He pulled away from our little hug session.

You are staying with me tonight, I'm not letting you go back to that asshole,he spat out angrily.

I didn't want to argue with him,so I agreed to stay with him.

After classes we went to my house first to pick up my clothes.

I was really scared that my dad was going to be at home and he won't let me leave.

I entered the house and found out no one was at home.

I quickly put some of my things inside my bag.

We drove to his house in silence,but it was a comfortable silence knowing fully well that I was with Reid.

Blake was so happy with the idea that I was going to stay with them.

I can't believe you came,he hugged me immediately I entered the house.

Yeah,I laughed.

There was an elderly woman in the house too and she was looking at me with a welcoming smile.

I'm so happy Reid has finally brought a girlfriend home,she smiled coming to hug me.

What?,me and Reid said at the same time.

She is not my girlfriend,Reid said.

Really?,but you haven't brought any girl home before,the woman said.

And don't forget that he said the first girl he was going to bring home was his wife to be, Blake smirked.

All these talk were making me embarrassed and I'm sure my face was already red now.

Guys stop,you're making her uncomfortable,Reid glare at Blake.

She is not my girlfriend and won't be,Reid said.

I swear that hurts like a bitch,I tried to not look affected by it but I guess everyone saw that it did except Reid.

Anyway,let me prepare something for you to eat,the lady smiled at me before taking me to the kitchen with her.

I quickly got out of Reid arm not wanting to be any closer to him.

I hate having these feelings.

Reid POV

Blake,why did you tell mum that carol was my girlfriend, I yelled at him after I had made sure that carol was far away.

Dude,you like her,I can clearly see it in your eyes,he smirked.

And I believe she feels the same way,didn't you see the way she looked hurt after you said she isn't your girlfriend and would never be,Blake glare at me.

I tried to remember if I had looked at her but I couldn't remember looking at her.

Shit,I cursed.

Your words really hurt her,I saw it in her eyes,Blake said.

But I didn't mean it,I yelled frustrated.

You better tell her before she gets the wrong meaning out of it,he said leaving me to face my emotions alone.

Shortly after carol and Mrs Norma came out of the kitchen.

I looked at carol but she wasn't looking at me.

I will take her to rest now,Mrs Norma said.

No,I will do it,I took carol bags from her.

I pulled Carol with me ignoring Mrs Norma who was looking at me with a knowing look.

We got to the room I had prepared for her.

It was opposite my room,so I could watch over her.

She took her bags from me,she thanked me but didn't look at me.

Carol,I called her softly.

She looked up at me and my heart broke seeing her cry.

I'm sorry,I didn't mean what I said,I hugged her.

She hugged me back but didn't stop sniffing.

She pulled away and smiled at me.

Here's my room in case you need me,I pointed at the door opposite her room.

Okay,she said softly.

Call me when you need me,I kissed her head softly.

She hugged me again before she let go.

Thank you,she said.

I smiled before closing the door behind me.

What are you doing to me coral?

Does coral really have feelings for Reid?

Will she realize that she is falling for him more than she thought?

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