
283 17 2

4 years later

Carol POV

I was finally done with college and I was a proud accountant.

Blake went to a nearby college close to mine to study law and I was very proud of him.

Derek,I ran to hug my brother immediately I saw him at the airport.

I missed you,I whispered to him crying.

Don't blame me,you would do the same if you haven't seen your brother for 4 years.

How's my little baby doing,he kissed my cheeks.

Hey,I'm 21 now,I'm not a baby anymore,I hit his arm playfully.

He chuckled pulling me into another hug.

Someone coughed behind me.

I turned to see Reid looking at me with a raised brow.

Can't I hug my sister again,you've been with her for long,Derek pout.

Reid laughed pulling me to his side.

I took a good look at my brother and I noticed that he has gotten older.

How's your wife Mary,I asked my brother as we made our way to his car.

She is very fine and soon to give birth,he smiled.

I was happy for my brother, he was going to be a father.

We got to his car driving to his house,we dropped Reid at his place and I promised to visit him later.

He kissed my cheeks before leaving the car.

I missed home so much and I can't wait to jump on my bed and have a good nice rest.

We got to the house and everything looked the same way I had left it.

Derek helped with my things while I helped him open the door.

Carol,Mary pulled me into a big hug.

Her stomach was really big and I began to think how she was comfortable walking around with it.

How's my favourite niece and nephew doing,I rubbed my hand on her stomach.

They are doing very fine and troublesome, she laughed.

Mary was expecting twins and I pitied my brother because he was going to get a hell of trouble from the twins.

I chatted a little with them before going to my room to rest.

I took a deep breath as I looked around my room.

It was just the way have left it.

I jumped on my bed as I closed my eyes.

Reid POV

I opened the door to my house and it was deadly quiet.

Blake had moved out after he had gotten married to Isabella.

God I missed this place and without Blake around,it was going to be boring.

I heard my phone ringing as I picked the call.

Hey bro,I smiled when I heard Blake voice.

Daddy,I wanna talk with uncle Reid, I heard Blake daughter say.

Hello baby girl,I laughed.

Uncle Reid, she laughed.

She was 2 years old and she's already acting like she's  five.

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